Mental Health Helpful Resources
Note: These informational and self-help resources are not a substitute for counseling services. Accessing these resources is completely voluntary and Student Counseling Services will not collect information about you; therefore, no follow-up is initiated unless you contact Student Counseling Services for support. Students with concerns are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a counselor.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800-273-TALK (8255) - hotline and online resource center
- Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare (Daytona) Access Center Helpline - 800-539-4228 - hotline, service facility and online resource center
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - information on suicide and support for survivors of suicide
- Resources for Current Events (domestic and international) - Stetson University Student Counseling Services
- 101 Wellness Tips for College Students
- Sleep, Stress and Resiliency - information about and tips for improving sleep, stress, and resiliency
- Half of Us - mental health awareness, information and resources
- Jed Foundation - online mental health resource center
- Mental Health America - mental health awareness, advocacy, information and resources
- MyStudentBody - online alcohol, drugs and student wellness program
- National Institute of Mental Health - mental health information and resources
- PsychCentral - mental health resources, quizzes and more
- ReachOut - resources and real stories about mental health
- ULifeline - anonymous and confidential mental health online resource center
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America - resource center for anxiety and depression
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance - resource and reference material for depressive disorders
- - Information for young adults about bullying
- Transition Year - a resource guide for students and parents regarding the emotional health and wellness of students transitioning to college life
- Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness - prevention, awareness, and information about relationship abuse and sexual assault
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Intimate Partner Violence - information, risk factors and prevention strategies
- Domestic Abuse Council of Volusia County, Inc. - 800-500-1119 - hotline and local emergency shelter and domestic violence services
- Domestic Violence Hotline - 800-799-SAFE (7233) - hotline and online domestic violence resource center
- LoveIsRespect - 866-331-9474 or 866-331-8453 (TTY) - national dating abuse hotline, an online resource for healthy relationships
- Safe Horizon - Victim services agency offering services and advocacy
- Loving Your Body Inside and Out - body image and eating disorder information, and tips for loving your body.
- National Eating Disorders Association - eating disorder information and resources
- First in the Family - advice about college from first-generation students
- I'm First - videos and resources for first-generation students
- - facts about and support resources for college gambling
- Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling - 888-ADMIT-IT (888-236-4848) - confidential helpline, information and support for gambling problems
- See also: Support Groups
- Greek Movement - a movement of Campus Crusade for Christ which provides resources and supports Greek Life members in leaving a spiritual legacy
- StopHazing - a resource center about hazing and how to prevent it
- HelpGuide - mental health resources with a comprehensive section on grief and loss
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - information for survivors of suicide loss
- American Psychological Association
- Disasters and Terrorism - information on how to manage stress after a disaster
- Road to Resilience - information on how to increase resilience in order to better cope with hardship
- LoveIsRespect - 866-331-9474 or 866-331-8453 (TTY) - national dating abuse hotline - an online resource for healthy relationships
- Two of Us - a clearinghouse of helpful information for healthy couple relationships
- Trevor Lifeline - 866-4-U-Trevor (488-7386) - hotline and online resource center
- Trans Lifeline - 877-565-8860 hotline staffed by volunteers who identify as transgender
- GLAAD - GLBT news and informational resources
- GLBT National Help Center - free and confidential peer support
- GLSEN Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network - educational and information resource center
- GLSEN Orlando Chapter
- Law Resources for the LGBT Community - Listing of legal resources from a law firm
- Mortgage loan - resource guide and directory for people seeking information about home buying and mortgages. Disclaimer: Student Counseling Services does not endorse the company/organization nor advocate for others to use this service without doing independent research.
- Orlando Youth Alliance - safe organization that provides educational and social programming for youth
- PFLAG - Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays - resource and support network for parents, families, friends, and allies or lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
- The Center - local resources, services and groups for the community
- TransAction Florida - guide to local resources, services, groups, and legal information for the trans community
- Zebra Coalition - local resources, services, and groups for the community
- Helping Men to Help Themselves - Article about men's mental health
- HuffPost ShameOver - Editorials aimed at destigmatizing and encouraging discussion around men's mental health
- NIH Depression in Men - Information about real men who cope and recover from depression
- - Lighthearted online therapeutic tool to guide men through mental health concerns
- Authentic Happiness - online questionnaires and other resources regarding happiness and positive psychology
- Kaiser Permanente - guided relaxation audio clips for specific concerns
- University of Texas "Stress Recess" - an interactive guide to stress reduction techniques
- SAFE - Self-Abuse Finally Ends - 800-DON'T-CUT (366-8288) - information regarding and support for self-injurious behavior
- Self-Harm Text Hotline (online) or 800-334-HELP (4357) - hotline and online self-injury resource center
- Cornell Research Program on Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescents and Young Adults - research findings and informational resources about self-injury
- Self-Injury Outreach and Support - information and resources about self-injury
- Stetson University Title IX Information - information about Stetson's response to sexual violence in accordance with the requirements of Title IX
- Florida Council Against Sexual Violence - 888-956-RAPE (7273) rape crisis hotline - serves as the state resource on sexual violence and includes information on sexual violence and where to get help
- Find your local rape crisis center
- Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness - prevention, awareness, and information about relationship abuse and sexual assault
- Men Can Stop Rape - information, resources and programming that can help men prevent violence against women
- Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network - information and prevention regarding sexual violence
- Safe Horizon - victim services agency offering services and advocacy
- Safe Helpline - a sexual assault helpline and information source for the DoD community
- Stalking Resource Center - National Center for Victims of Crime - resources regarding stalking and information for victims of stalking
- National Sleep Foundation - resource for sleep facts and information, as well as how to locate a sleep professional
- - sleep tips, survey and suggested products
- Sleep, Stress and Resiliency - information about and tips for improving sleep, stress, and resiliency
- Health and Wellness Apps - a listing of a variety of applications that may be helpful contact
- Mobility International USA: Mental Health Considerations for International Exchange Participants - tip sheet for study abroad students with mental health concerns
- - resources and handbook for students who study abroad, including preparing for your trip, what to expect when studying abroad, and what to expect when coming home.
- The Center for Global Education: Maintaining Strong Mental and Emotional Health - information regarding the stressors of studying abroad, coping strategies and seeking help
- National Institute on Drug Abuse - information about commonly abused drugs, facts and figures, and how/where to seek treatment
- Addiction Resource - Substance use/abuse information resource, assessment, and treatment directory
- All Treatment - Substance abuse information resource and drug rehabilitation directory
- SAMHSA Treatment Locator - a treatment locator search engine for substance abuse and mental health support services
- See also: Support Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous - free support group for recovery from alcoholism
- Orange City AA
- South Daytona AA
- Other Florida locations
- Al-Anon/Alateen - free support group for family and friends of alcoholics
- Domestic Violence - free support group for victims/survivors
- Gamblers Anonymous - free support group for recovery from a gambling problem
- Gamblers Anonymous Meeting Search
- Narcotics Anonymous - free support group for recovery from a drug or alcohol problem
- Online Gamers Anonymous - free online support group for recovery from all types of gaming problems
- Online Gamers Anonymous Meeting Search
- Sexaholics Anonymous - free support group for recovery from a sexual addiction problem
- Sexaholics Anonymous Meeting Search
- Academic Success Center - study skills, time management, tutoring, academic success coaching and more!
- Texas A&M U - How to Keep Calm During Tests
- U of Western Ontario - Managing Test Anxiety
- Veterans Crisis Line - 800-273-8255 (press 1) - hotline and online veteran resource center
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Mental Health section
- National Center for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Safe Helpline - a sexual assault helpline and information source for the DoD community
On-Campus Resources
Academic Success
Student Success and Involvement
- Center for Community Engagement
- Cross Cultural Center
- Student Development and Campus Vibrancy
- WORLD: The David and Leighan Rinker Center for International Learning