First-Year Student Housing Application
The Housing Application will ask for some demographic information for our records, life-habit information for roommate matching, your building preferences and roommate preference (if you have one) and includes the completion of the Housing Agreement. Students submitting their housing application for the Fall semester do not have to resubmit/renew their housing application for the following Spring term. It is automatically updated and students' housing assignments will remain the same for Fall and Spring terms unless specifically requested and approved by Residential Living & Learning.
Housing Applications for the Fall/Spring academic year for new students will be available November 1 on the home page of Housing Central. Students submitting their enrollment deposit after November 1 will typically have access to the application within three business days. Applications are for the full upcoming academic year.
Spring Housing Applications for new students entering the university for the Spring term will be available on November 1 on Housing Central. Students submitting their enrollment deposit after November 1 will typically obtain access to the application within three business days. Applications are for the Spring term only.
Summer Housing Applications for new students entering the university for the Summer term will be available on April 1. The Priority Deadline for Summer Housing Applications is May 1.
Students who wish to participate in Incoming Student Room Selection taking place in April must complete their Housing Application and create their Roommate Group (if they have a preferred roommate) by the Priority Deadline of April 1. Students are not required to provide a roommate preference on their Housing Application. Roommate groups can be formed in the Roommate section of Housing Central after both students' Housing Applications have been submitted and approved.
Students who submit a Housing Application after April 1 will not be eligible to participate in room selection and will be provided a housing assignment based on their priority (enrollment deposit date), building preferences selected on their Housing Application, and roommate group. Roommate groups can be created at any time after the housing applications have been submitted and approved. However, assignments can be provided at any time after room selection in April and assignments will not be changed based on the creation of a new roommate group.
Students should complete their applications no later than December 1. Students do not have to have their preferred roommate identified when they submit their housing application. Students will have up to 11:45 p.m. on December 15 to submit roommate information. After this date, roommate information/preferences are locked and cannot be changed until after room assignments have been completed.
No changes can be made to your housing application once it is submitted. If you find the need to do so before the priority deadline, please email us ([email protected]) and we will revert your application back to “draft” mode so that you can make changes. It is critical that you remember to resubmit your application once you have entered the new information.
Fall/Spring Housing Assignments:
- Students who submit a Housing Application by the Priority Deadline of April 1 will be eligible to participate in Incoming Student Housing Self-Selection. Housing Self-Selection is a process by which the student will be able to select a space within our First Year Communities. Housing Self-Selection information will be provided to eligible students in February.
- Students who submit their Housing Application after April 1 will be provided a housing assignment by Residential Living & Learning based on the student's priority (enrollment deposit date), building preferences selected in the Housing Application, roommate groups, and space available at the time of assignment.
Spring Housing Assignments:
- Spring housing assignments are typically sent out during the Winter Break period or the first week of January. As our residence halls will be occupied by Fall semester residents continuing through to the Spring semester, housing options are more limited in the Spring. Assignments will be based on the Housing Application submission date and space available.
Summer Housing Assignments:
- Summer housing assignments are typically communicated by May 15. Summer Housing is hosted in one or more of our apartment complexes on campus based on the routine maintenance schedule and availability.
Residential Living & Learning offers supplemental applications in addition to the Housing Application. After submitting the Housing Application, students may submit a Request for Special/ADA Accommodation and/or Request for Animal-in-Residence. Students who are seeking an exemption to the university residency requirement in order to live off-campus should submit the Request for Residency Exemption.
Frequently Asked Questions
We recognize that many students have questions as they consider on-campus housing. You are invited to review our frequently asked questions page for more assistance!
Housing FAQs