Publications and Technical Reports
Affiliated faculty are heavily involved in research projects all around Florida and the Southeast United States.
Benedict, L., Glazer, R., Evans, J.M., Traxler, S., Bergh, C., Stys, B., and Swanbrow-Becker, L. 2020. Florida Keys Case Study on Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Conservation Planning and Actions for State Listed and SGCN in the Florida Keys. Tallahassee: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.29234.02248
Parkinson, R.W., Seidel, V., and Henderson, C. 2020. Ensuring Resiliency of the Indian River Lagoon to Climate Change Stressors: Monitoring and Review of Action Plans. Sebastian: Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program.
Tanner, B.R., Work, K.A., and Evans, J.M. 2020. The Potential of Organic Sediments in Florida Spring Runs as Records of Environmental Change. Southeastern Geographer, 60(3), 200-214. DOI:10.1353/sgo.2020.0017
Evans, J.M. and Clark, A. 2019. HAZUS Coastal Flooding Assessment under Current and Future Conditions for the Village of Islamorada, Florida Report. DeLand: Stetson University Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience.
Evans, J.M. and Clark, A. 2019. Sea-Level Rise Inundation Assessment for the City of Rockledge Stormwater System. DeLand: Stetson University Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.15046.42563
Evans, J.M., Clark, A., and Deady, E.L. 2019. Monroe County Watershed Management Plan. Key West: Monroe County Floodplain Management Program.
Evans, J.M., Mitchell, E., Carr, A., Goodison, C., Zwick, P., and Mccue, T. 2019. Sea-Level Rise Technical Planning Assessment for the City of Satellite Beach. Gainesville: Florida Sea Grant. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.25376.23044
Evans, J.M., Sacks, D., Calabria, J., and Bockoven, C. 2019. Landscape Design and Performance at the Sandra Stetson Aquatic Center Final Project Report for Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience Seed Grant. DeLand: Stetson University Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience.
Henderson, C. 2019. The Greening of Florida's Constitution. Stetson Law Review, 49, 575.
Jones, S., Ruppert, T., Deady, E.L., Payne, H., Pippin, J.S., Huang, L.Y., and Evans, J.M. 2019. Roads to Nowhere in Four States: State and Local Governments in the Atlantic Southeast Facing Sea-Level Rise. Columbia Journal of Environmental Law, 44, 67-136.
Ruppert, T., Deady, E.L., Evans, J.M., and Goodison, C. 2019. Legal Issues When Managing Public Roads Affected by Sea Level Rise: Florida. Gainesville: Florida Sea Grant. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36372.35205/1
Evans, J.M. and Deady, E.L. 2018. Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis: Potential Current and Future Climate Change Hazards from Sea Level Rise, and Flood Risk from Precipitation, for Sunrise, FL. DeLand: Stetson University Institute for Water and Environmental Resilience.
Benedict, L., Glazer, B., Bergh, C., Traxler, S., Stys, B., and Evans, J.M. 2018. Florida Keys Case Study on Incorporating Climate Change into Conservation Planning and Actions for Threatened and Endangered Species. Tallahassee: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
Gambill, J., Russell, M., Spratt, K., Whitehead, J., Alfonso, M., Hopkinson, C.S., and Evans, J.M. 2017. St. Marys Flood Resiliency Plan. Athens: Georgia Sea Grant. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11257.26723.
Evans, J.M., Gambill, J., McDowell, R.J., Prichard, P.W., and Hopkinson, C.S. 2016. Tybee Island sea-level rise adaptation plan. Athens: Georgia Sea Grant. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3825.9604/1
Evans, J.M., and Bergh, C. 2016. Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment for Monroe County, Florida: Technical Appendix in Support of the GreenKeys! Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. Key Largo: Monroe County Sustainability Program. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.1198.3447/1.
Evans, J.M., Calabria, J., Borisova, T., Boellstorf, D.E., Sochacka, N., Smolen, M.D., Mahler, R.L. and Risse, L.M. 2015. Effects of local drought condition on public opinions about water supply and future climate change. Climatic Change, 132(2), 193-207.
Hauer, M.E., Evans, J.M., and Alexander, C.R. 2015. Sea-level rise and sub-county population projections in coastal Georgia. Population and Environment, 37(1), 44-62.