
If you believe that serious violations of policies or standards have occurred and you do not feel comfortable speaking directly with a member of your management or leadership team, you can use this service, hosted by a third-party provider, EthicsPoint.

This reporting tool is not intended for use when normal work-related disagreements arise, such as disagreements with work schedules, leave approvals, work assignments, performance evaluations, co-worked disagreements, general working conditions and so forth. Rather, this hotline is intended to report matters of serious departure from business norms or legal requirements, both of which would have serious consequences to Stetson University as a whole.

For such serious violations, such as fraud, embezzlement or violations of administrative, academic and/or research integrity, you can submit a report to the ethics hotline. EthicsPoint will send information submitted by you to Stetson University on a confidential basis.

Stetson's Ethics Point provides more information.