Educational Resources
Check out the Gillespie Museum's online offerings for at-home creative learning activities, as well as ways to explore and engage with the natural ecology of the Volusia Sandhill Ecosystem outdoors on the museum grounds (Geology & Mineralogy resources; Environmental Science resources). Download informative and beautiful coloring pages, cut-and-fold crystal models, birthstone and fossil sheets, backyard field guides, word puzzles, scavenger hunts, videos with learn-along activities, environmental science outdoor classroom investigations and more!
(If you are an educator, please also see our Educational Programs page for virtual museum programming options--like our Short Takes videos, featuring Stetson student museum guides introducing some of our traditional school-tour activities.)
Geology and Mineralogy Resources
See the museum's full collection of downloadable geology and mineralogy related resources!
Sandhill Ecosystem and Ecology Resources
See the museum's full collection of downloadable Volusia Sandhill Ecosystem and ecology-related resources!