Past Webinars and 2020 Campus Climate Results

See what you may have missed at any of our past campus climate webinars.

Rolks Report Live: Campus Climate, Spring 2021 Update

April 15, 2021

We continue to honor our commitment to our campus community to focus on issues of race and inclusion at Stetson University. President Christopher F. Roellke, PhD, held a Campus Climate report update on progress and work to date, and plans for moving the university forward in Fall 2021. The webinar included progress reports and discussions with the co-chairs of the three working groups: Stetson Culture, Inclusive and Transparent Communicationand the Relationship between Stetson and DeLandThe webinar will include updates from the president on the President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Group and progress on the President’s Cabinet commitments.


Stetson Culture Co-Chairs

  • Sven Smith, PhD, associate professor of sociology
  • Carmen Johnson, director of Diversity Initiatives and Recruitment, College of Law

Relationship between Stetson and DeLand Co-Chairs

  • Savannah-Jane Griffin, executive director of Community Engagement and Inclusive Excellence
  • Bud Hanson, assistant professor of practice and executive director of Professional and Corporate Education

Inclusive and Transparent Communication Co-Chairs

  • Lisa Diliberto, director of Communications and Marketing, College of Law

Campus Climate Open Forum Webinar 2

Oct. 29, 2020

We heard from our campus community about the timing and dates of our planned open forums to discuss issues of race and inclusion at Stetson University. We have been discussing appropriate formats and platforms for these events and scheduled two events for October. President Christopher F. Roellke, PhD, led two Campus Climate Open Forums on Thursday, Oct. 15, 6-7 p.m. and Thursday, Oct. 29, 6-7 p.m. These open forums addressed the many upcoming opportunities the Stetson community will have together to discuss race and Campus Climate issues with the community.

President Christopher F. Roellke, PhD, held a second Open Forum on Thursday, Oct. 29, 6-7 p.m. to discuss race and Campus Climate issues with alumni and the Stetson community. Stetson University alumnus and member of the university’s Board of Trustees, Luis Maldonado ’01, moderated this event. Maldonado chairs the university’s Student Affairs Committee and has made diversity, equity and inclusion a central theme. They were joined by Rina Tovar Arroyo, assistant vice president for Development, Parent and Alumni Engagement, and Ranell Mason, ’00, Stetson Alumni Board President. The most recent committee meeting was devoted to diversity and equity efforts at Stetson and the alignment between inclusion and Stetson's mission.

Campus Climate Open Forum Webinar 1

Oct. 15, 2020

Held a few weeks earlier, the first Campus Climate Open Forum was for students, faculty and staff. Moderator: Harry Price, PhD, associate professor for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and faculty director for the Brown Center for Faculty Innovation and Excellence This Zoom meeting allowed participants to see and hear from each other. To protect the security of the event, and based on recommendations from our information security office, we limited participation to those with a email address. Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to submit questions, comments and suggestions for the open forum in advance through an online form.

Campus Climate Working Groups

During the forum, President Roellke announced the formation of three working groups to address critical issues raised by the Campus Climate Survey, and called for student, faculty and staff participation.

Special President's Webinar: Campus Climate Report

Sept. 17, 2020

The DeLand report is available below. The report and its contents are part of a special weekly update with President Christopher F. Roellke, PhD, Lua Hancock, vice president of Campus Life and Student Success, Michèle Alexandre, dean, College of Law and John Pryor, CEO of Pryor Education Insights recorded on Thursday, Sept. 17, from 4-5:30 p.m.

College of Law Campus Climate Webinar

Sept. 22, 2020

A similar survey completed at the Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport and Tampa Law Center was presented to the College of Law community at a webinar hosted by Dean Michèle Alexandre. The webinar included John Pryor, CEO of Pryor Education Insights on Tuesday, Sept. 22, 5-6:30 p.m.