President's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Group
The group is made up of faculty, administration, board of trustee members, students, and staff. Members come from both the DeLand campus and the College of Law. The group's purpose is to advise the president on initiatives and investments that promise to move our community forward. This is intended to be a high level advisory group that gives consideration to the variety of proposed initiatives and investments suggested by campus constituents around issues of diversity and inclusion. The group is expected to begin its work in March 2021 with monthly meetings.
Michele Alexandre, Dean of the College of Law
Yvonne Chang, ’09, Walt Disney Co., Stetson University Board of Trustees
Randall Croom, Assistant Professor of Management
Mike Davis, ’05, ’08, Kuehne Davis Law, P.A., Stetson University Board of Trustees
Abigail Dean, Vice President Black Law Students Association, College of Law
Lua Hancock, Vice President of Campus Life and Student Success
Joanne Harris-Duff, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Community Engagement and Inclusive Excellence
Carmen Johnson, Director of Diversity Initiatives and Recruitment, College of Law
Sharmaine Jackson, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Lance Long, Professor of Law, College of Law
Elizabeth Skomp, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Marshall Thompson, ’21, Vice President Multicultural Student Council
Bonisha Townsend-Porter, Director of Student Development and Campus Vibrancy
Chuck Wolfe, ’85, CEO Chiles Group, Stetson University Board of Trustees