The following resources provide information about Stetson University's governing structure and, as such, login may be required to access certain links. Section 2 – Organization and Administration of the University of the University Policies and Procedures addresses the governance of the university.
Accreditation is a statement of shared values and practices among the accrediting body's member institutions. Stetson University is proud to maintain several national, regional, and state accreditations and authorizations both for the university as a whole and over particular colleges, schools, and programs. Learn more about Accreditation.
Reports and Responses
Stetson University values a collaborative, inclusive, institutional commitment to shared governance. The many committees and task forces--populated by faculty, staff, and students - as well as University administrators or offices often produce minutes, recommendations, white papers, statements, and reports that help the Stetson community move more confidently toward our institutional goals. We proudly make available more recent documents that are associated with our shared governance work in academic affairs at Stetson University. Learn more about Reports and Responses
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the organization that represents the University faculty on the DeLand campus. Membership includes nineteen faculty senators and one retired faculty advisor elected as faculty representatives from the College of Arts and Sciences, duPont-Ball Library, School of Business Administration, and School of Music. The Faculty Senate is governed by the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate and its policies, procedures, and committees and was established to:
- Represent the faculty in all matters of University-wide policy and programs;
- Serve as a channel of communication for faculty in its relations with the administration and student body; and
- Speak for the faculty in matters pertaining to faculty standards and welfare, professional ethics, public relations, academic standards, admissions, graduation requirements, etc.
Faculty Service: Councils, Committees, Task Forces and Work Groups
University faculty are teacher-scholars dedicated to the art of teaching while pursuing excellence and expanding knowledge within their varied areas of expertise. In support of the educational mission of the university, faculty also devote time and efforts to the various councils, committees, task forces, and work groups that are established to carry out projects and initiatives related to the educational purposes of the university and the shaping of our community.
- Councils and Committees are long-standing entities through which faculty actively participate in the ongoing governance of the university.
- Task Forces and Work Groups are shorter-term entities established for a special project or initiatives
- Highlights of current Works in Progress are posted to keep the university community informed and up-to-date about the work of the university's councils, committees, task forces, and work groups.
- Council, Committee, Task Force, and Work Group membership
Faculty Service: Department Chairs and Program Directors
The university's academic programs are administered by department chairs and program directors, appointed by the provost upon the recommendation of the deans. Learn more about Department Chairs and Program Directors.
Policies and Guidelines
The university is governed by myriad policies that define the principles by which the university executes its mission, both academically and in the community. University Policies and Procedures are maintained by the Internal Audit and Tax Compliance Office. Academic Affairs Policies and Guidelines are included in Section 3 of the University Policies and Procedures, with additional policies and guidelines maintained by the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs. Learn more Policies and Guidelines.
University Faculty Meetings
The University Faculty meets on a regular basis, at least twice a year. The President, Provost, or designee presides at all meetings of the University Faculty, and meetings may be called by the President or Provost, by resolution of the University Faculty, or by resolution of the Faculty Senate. By petition or resolution, the University Faculty and/or the Faculty Senate may have items placed on the agenda for full discussion and vote. Learn more about University Faculty Meetings.