How to Register for Accommodations

  1. First, the student should complete the Accommodations Profile.  In this profile, students share their personal experience with barriers in the academic environment.  Students share their strengths and challenges academically, previous accommodations, anticipated barriers, and potential accommodations for their time at Stetson University. 
  2. Next, please submit supporting documentation to the Accessibility Services Center.  Further information regarding documentation can be found in the "Documentation Guidelines" section below.  New students are encouraged to send their documentation immediately after committing to enroll at Stetson University.  Current students are encouraged to send the documentation as soon as it is available.  Documentation can be sent a variety of ways including email, fax, mail or hand-delivery. The Accessibility Services Center can be reached at the following:


  1. The final step is to schedule a Welcome Access Meeting with a staff member. During this meeting, the staff member and student will review anticipated barriers, the staff member will share information regarding ADA accommodations, and the staff member and student will collaborate on appropriate accommodations for their time at Stetson University. These meetings are established through the "Stetson SSC" software as follows: 
  2. Log into
  3. Click on "Stetson SSC"
  4. In the upper right-hand corner, click the blue button that says "Get Assistance."
  5. On the next screen, under "What type of appointment would you like to schedule?" select "Academic Services" from the first drop-down menu. Then select "Accessibility Meeting" under the "Service" drop-down menu. 
  6. Select an approximate date that you would like to meet and the system will display all available days and times for that meeting type.
  7. If you would like to meet with a particular person, you can select "View individual availabilities" above where times and dates are listed. You can select Martha von Mering from the list. If you do not select anyone, you will see all available meetings for all Professional Staff. 
  8. Pick a date and time based on the availability provided. These meetings will need to be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
  9. Finally, on the "Review Appointment Details and Confirm" screen you can provide any comments and select if you would like an email and/or a text reminder of the meeting. Once you hit "Schedule," you are all set!
  1. After determination of accommodations - the student acknowledges a request of accommodations, and Academic Success will notify their professors of the specific accommodations. We then encourage the student to:
    • Set up a meeting with each professor prior to or after class, or during the professors' office hours (available through the course syllabus or department administrative assistant)
    • Discuss the specifics of the accommodations with each professor to determine ways to meet the accommodations (e.g., for students with testing accommodations, will tests be taken in the classroom, academic department or at the Accessibility Services Center?).
  2. Once fully registered with Academic Success, students must request their accommodations using an online form (covered during the initial meeting) in order to have professors notified of accommodations for subsequent semesters.

Keep in Mind

  • It is the student's responsibility to maintain contact with their professors and to follow through with the arrangements.
  • Accommodations are not retroactive. The student is eligible for accommodations based on the date that they request accommodations and sign forms with Academic Success.
  • Some accommodations may take several weeks to arrange. Thus, timely receipt of documentation of a disability and request for accommodations is essential.
  • A student's use of accommodations is not mandatory.  The student has the right not to request accommodations or implement them within the classroom.
  • Students are responsible for maintaining contact with Academic Success to update pertinent information, seek assistance for learning strategies or discuss accommodation issues.
  • In order to ensure adequate notification of a student's faculty members and appropriate implementation of a student's accommodations, the deadline to meet and establish accommodations within a given semester is one week prior to the start of finals week. This deadline allows Academic Success to notify the faculty members of the approved accommodations and make any necessary arrangements regarding final exams. New accommodation requests received after the deadline may be initiated to start at the beginning of the following semester.  If a student is seeking temporary accommodations due to unforeseen medical concerns that pose barriers to a student's access during finals week, Academic Success will work to determine reasonable accommodations for the student's participation.