New Student Employment Supervisors
Our team of 100+ supervisors serve as mentors, managers, and connectors for our incredible student employees. This is a rewarding and multifaceted role where supervisors support their students as they grow their skills and professional acumen. The University relies on supervisors to create a best practice employment environment for our students with an emphasis on the following:
- Compliance: This program is governed by federal, state, and institutional policies. Though you are likely familiar with general employment law, there are additional compliance consideration due to federal work study policies (the source of part of our funding) and student policies.
- Management: Supervisors are expected to manage their students in a supportive and symbiotic manner. There should be clear expectations, training, and continual feedback provided. Oftentimes this is a student’s first job and want them to learn as much from you as possible.
- Connections: We ask supervisors to assist their students in connecting to their peers and the campus. This means becoming familiar with the supports available to students like Student Success, Health Center, and Campus Vibrancy. Additionally, we ask supervisors to provide meaningful work that aligns with their personal and professional goals. We want students to be able to think critically about their work and articulate their experience professionally.
Steps for New Supervisors:
- Complete: New Supervisor Form
- Review Supervisor Training: Video I Presentation Slides
- Check and Request Your EPAF (hiring) Access: Instructions
- Set up Routing Queue: Instructions
- Review Your Resources: Website
- *If you have questions, set up a 30 minute meeting with Anh Nguyen through Outlook to follow up
- Start your exciting Student Employment Journey!
- All general day-to-day questions can be directed to [email protected]