Resources for Current Students
The Physics Department counts every student enrolled in physics courses PHYS 141 and higher as physics students and members of the campus Society of Physics Students (SPS) club. All physics students are welcome to participate in departmental events such as our pizza lunches, star-gazing parties, annual t-shirt contest, Physics Colloquium, etc.
Questions and More Information
If you have a question or would like more information, just ask a professor, drop by the office (Sage Hall room 124) or send us an email at [email protected].
- Physics Colloquium meets every Monday from 12:30 to 1:20 p.m. in the Jenkins Room (Sage Hall room 213). Colloquium is an informal class where faculty and students share camaraderie, discuss topics of interest, present their work, hear guest presentations and occasionally share a pizza lunch. Though attendance at the colloquium is required for upper-division students, anyone is welcome to attend.
- Forms and resources for students in the College of Arts and Sciences.
- Summer Opportunities, and the SURE Grant program
- Tips for requesting letters of recommendation from your professors (a consent form for letters of recommendation is required)
- Stetson Showcase - the university's Undergraduate and Creative Arts Symposium.
- Our featured alum page - read about the paths some of your predecessors have taken.
- CROSS SECTION - the department's annual newsletter.