Peer Leaders @ Stetson University

Peer Leadership Opportunities

Peer leadership is an umbrella term for the many leadership roles and opportunities available at Stetson University. These are student leader groups that are focused on supporting their peers and these groups are directly advised by departments on campus. There are a wide variety of peer leader groups at Stetson University that offer an opportunity for students to grow their leadership skills throughout their time at Stetson University, but also provide unique support to their peers in a variety of areas based on the focus area of their peer leader group. 

Currently at Stetson University, we have over forty peer leader groups at our university. To help you learn more about each of these peer leader groups, we have broken all of them into five sub-groups based on the primary focus of each group. The five focus areas are:

  • Peer Facilitators - Peer facilitators lead and support their peers by planning and hosting experiences for their peers.
  • Peer Mentors - Peer Mentors lead and support their peers by providing guidance, support, and advice to a mentee through common experience.
  • Peer Governance - Peer Governance groups lead and support their peers by providing governance and leadership to groups/students at Stetson.
  • Peer Coaches - Peer Coaches lead and support their peers by providing personalized and goal-driven support for peers.
  • Peer Educators - Peer Educators lead and support their peers by providing peer-based education on specific topics and focus areas.

Here is a chart of the current Peer Leader Groups broken down by category:

Peer Leader Model chart outline

Among these positions, there are over 700 leadership spots open each year through peer leader roles at Stetson University. To explore more about peer leadership opportunities at Stetson, below are the current Peer Leader Groups, in alphabetical order, with further information about each group.

To apply for current open peer leader roles at Stetson University, visit ULead. To learn about opportunities to develop your leadership skills, visit our LEAD website.

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitator

Description: Bonner Lead Team members host weekly training and enrichment (T&E) meetings in addition to socials and retreats for members of the Bonner Program that focus on skill-based learning, cohort-building and reflection.

Division/Department: Campus Life & Student Success/Center for Community Engagement

Recruitment: Recruited from current members of Bonner. Recruited in the spring, begin in the fall, and end next spring.

About How Many Positions: 10

Find Out More Information: Only open to members of Bonner, so they email Bonner Advisor.

Sub-Group: Peer Coach

Description: The Career Peers are vital members of Stetson’s Career Success team. The Career Peer program focuses on providing student-driven career advising in appointment and drop-in settings (in-person and virtual environments). Career Peers provide services to all students regarding career assessment and exploration, career and graduate school decision-making, and job/internship and graduate school search, preparation, and application. Career Peers are individuals who work collaboratively with Stetson students to offer effective, high-quality services. Career Peers work closely with CaPD staff to market the office and occasionally deliver career-related outreach programming to various student groups and organizations.

Division/Department: Academic Affairs/Career Success

Recruitment: At the beginning of each semester, recruitment takes place through Student Employment.

About How Many Positions: 4 to 5

Find Out More Information: Instagram - @StetsonUCareer or email [email protected].

Sub-Group: Peer Governance

Description: They decide budget allocations from the Club Sports Council to the individual organizations, and they create developmental content to help enhance recruitment, retention and leadership within the program.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Wellness & Recreation

Recruitment: Student Employment position that is recruited Spring-Summer.

About How Many Positions: 4 to 5

Find Out More Information: Find out more about these positions through involvement in Club Sport Groups and reaching out to the Assistant Director of Wellness & Recreations Sports Programs.

Sub-Group: Peer Educators

Description: The Environmental Sustainability Fellows is a student program that strives to develop a more cognizant and purposeful Stetson community focused on social, economic and environmental practices. These fellows foster a culture of environmentalism through education and direct involvement within our campus and the greater community. Their mission is to improve the sustainability of Stetson University and the surrounding community through relevant research, constructive feedback and competent action.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Center for Community Engagement

Recruitment: Year Round Recruitment

About How Many Positions: 4 

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @environmentalfellows, Environmental Fellows Website, email: [email protected] 

Sub-Group: Peer Mentors

Description: FOCUS Leaders assist incoming students with their transition into life at Stetson.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Takes place late fall - early February through online application and interview process.

About How Many Positions: 80

Find Out More Information: Applications are marketed on the ULead website.

Sub-Group: Peer Educators

Description: The Fronk Scholars facilitate presentations, workshops, posters, face-to-face outreach and more to address drug abuse at Stetson. An effort to change the perceived use of these drugs through social norm campaigns and infographics will also provide the student population with necessary information on drug misuse and abuse. The goal of this program is to make a real impact on how students perceive the danger of gateway drugs such as Oxycontin, Vicodin and Demerol, which oftentimes lead to the use of the deadly drug heroin.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Wellness & Recreation

Recruitment: Takes place when necessary.

About How Many Positions: 2

Find Out More Information: Instagram @thewellteam and at events.

Sub-Group: Peer Coaches

Description: FSEM TAs provide students with academic and co-curricular support in their First Year Seminar course.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Selected by faculty for the course.

About How Many Positions: 15 to 35

Find Out More Information: If you are interested in being an FSEM TA, touch base with a faculty member that teaches a FSEM course.

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitator

Description: Green, White & YOU peer leader roles include the six vice presidents over each of the six branches of GW&YOU. They oversee anywhere from 4 to 6 students in each branch and head different on-campus initiatives to hit all areas of campus.

Division/Department: Development & Alumni Engagement/Development

Recruitment: Year-round recruitment

About How Many Positions: 30+

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @greenwhiteandyou; Engage

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitators

Description: Within student media, Hatter Network, we have 21 paid/assistantship-based positions, and of those 21, we have five positions on the Executive Board.  The Executive Board oversees all of the positions and even the contributors. Some examples of our contributors would be student-submitted writers and/or podcast hosts.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Spring recruitment.

About How Many Positions: 40 to 50

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @hatternetwork; Engage

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitators

Description: Hatter Productions facilitates campus-wide events to build engagement, community and social experiences for the students at Stetson University. These events can range from large-scale concerts, trips and performers, to smaller, unwind events. With Hatter Productions, our students always have a blast celebrating what it means to be a Hatter at Stetson University.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Executive Leadership is recruited in late spring; General Members are recruited year-round.

About How Many Positions: 25 to 30 student leaders

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @hatterproductions, Hatter Productions website, email: [email protected], Engage

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitators

Description: Homecoming Committee plans and facilitates Homecoming Week activities centered around the student experience to help build student spirit, homecoming traditions and student engagement. Homecoming is focused on celebrating Stetson University and what it means to be a Hatter with students, alumni and employees, and the Homecoming Committee helps make this possible through many meaningful new and old experiences.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Takes place in early spring.

About How Many Positions: 12

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @stetsonhomecoming, Homecoming website, email: [email protected], Engage

Sub-Group: Peer Governance

Description: Oversees all the fraternities on campus. Provides governing documents for the chapters to follow.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Recruitment takes place in October/November (roles are January-December).

About How Many Positions: 6

Find Out More Information: Members of the council must belong to a Greek fraternity at Stetson University, and the fraternities receive communication about these leadership opportunities in the fall from the Associate Director of Fraternity & Sorority Involvement and Student Organizations as positions open.

Sub-Group: Peer Educators

Description: The Interfaith Values Fellows are undergraduate student leaders who create inclusive spaces on campus for students of all religious, spiritual, and secular identities. They regularly facilitate partnerships between and among our religious student organizations through a variety of dialogues and educational events. 

Division/Department: CLaSS/Religious & Spiritual Life

Recruitment: Takes place in August during Fall Orientation

About How Many Positions: 4

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @stetsoninterfaith, Interfaith Values Fellows Website

Sub-Group: Peer Governance

Description: MSC Executive Board governs the various Multicultural Student Organizations. MSC provides peer support and serves as a collaborator to each of the MSC Orgs to host events on campus that cater to the multicultural student body. The main goal is to create events that accurately represent and celebrate the many cultures represented by the student population. 

Division/Department: CLaSS/Office of Diversity & Inclusion

Recruitment: Spring/Summer 

About How Many Positions: 5

Find Out More Information: Multicultural Student Council Website Instagram: @mscstetson

Sub-Group: Peer Mentors

Description: Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) serves as peer mentors to first-year students who are passionate about developing as leaders throughout their college experience. ODK is a national leadership society, and the members facilitate a number of leadership development programs, including a first-year mentorship program to help first-year students develop their leadership journey plan and learn about leadership opportunities at Stetson.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: At the beginning of each semester, ODK recruits new members to the honor society to support the goals of the organization and honor the work of its members.

About How Many Positions: 45

Find Out More Information: Instagram: @stetsonodk; Engage

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitators

Description: Oversees the sororities on campus. Provides the governing documents for the sororities to follow.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Student Development & Campus Vibrancy

Recruitment: Recruitment takes place in October/November (roles are January-December).

About How Many Positions: 8

Find Out More Information: Members of the council must belong to a Greek sorority at Stetson University, and the sororities receive communication about these leadership opportunities in the fall from the Associate Director of Fraternity & Sorority Involvement and Student Organizations as positions open.

Sub-Group: Peer Facilitators

Description: The intention of the Peace Corps Prep Leaders is to be ambassadors for the program across campus. In order to draw attention to the program, the leaders are to create events and invite peers to participate during the semester.

Division/Department: Academic Affairs/ WORLD: The Rinker Center for International Learning

Recruitment: Recruitment for Peace Corps Prep Leaders takes place in the Fall and Spring semesters.

About How Many Positions: Varies

Find Out More Information: Peace Corps Prep website

Sub-Group: Peer Educators

Description: PACT program leads create and facilitate prevention education programming on domestic/dating violence, sexual assault and stalking (DVSAS) in cooperation with Stetson's Department of Justice Grant.

Division/Department: CLaSS/Wellness & Recreation

Recruitment: Usually in the fall when Program Lead positions become available due to Program Leads graduating, but if spots open up at other times, recruitment will open up as well.

About How Many Positions: 8

Find Out More Information: Instagram @stetsonpact