Carlton Union Building (CUB)

Start a New Organization

Before starting an application for a new organization; make sure to check out the listings on Engage of all the active RSO's that we have here at Stetson.

Starting a new student organization can be a rewarding way to add to your college experience and create a new community for other Stetson students as well as yourself. The process to apply for a new organization is exciting and available on a rolling timeline throughout each semester with the dates listed below.

Fall 2024: 

September 3, 2024 (open) thru November 27, 2024 (closed)

Spring 2025:

February 3, 2025 (open) thru April 30, 2025 (closed)

Let us know you are interested by completing the New Organization registration request. Go to the Register an Organization and then click on "New Oraganization".

Starting a new organization can be challenging, but also very exciting! Online and in-person training is available to help you be as successful as possible.

Complete the application and begin to create a 5-10 minute presentation. The application in Step. 1, will include the anticipated membership (minimum of 3 members to start), primary advisor, constitution, mission, bylaws, and more, which will all be very helpful when creating your presentation. The presentation time will allow you and the founding members to really share "your story" and why your unique group needs to be a part of our shared Stetson Community! 

After you present your new organization idea to a group of staff and/or students.  We will then give you a timeline for us to make our decision, usually within 2-3 weeks.

At this point your organization has filled out the New Organization application (Step 1), has a solid foundation of founding members (minimum of 3 to start and 8 to maintain), bylaws, constitution, and mission (Step 2) have given the presentation to a group (Step 3), and has been approved!!  Next you will complete activation training. This training provides an overview of how to access resources, request funding, and other information essential to running an organization day-to-day.