Student Profiles
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Lexi McComb '22
What is your major?
Health Science with a minor in Psychology
What is your intended profession?
Physical Therapist
Why did you choose to pursue this profession/career path? Why did you want to be a pre-health student?
I chose to pursue a Physical Therapy career because of all the good that comes from this profession. The thought of having the chance to make such a big impact on others' lives is so amazing! After my shadowing experience, my passion grew even more in that I was able to see and help, first-hand, the impact that I hope to have on others one day. My target patient is those that are in the military. Being in AROTC, I have a time commitment to serve and I would love to be able to help those that risk their lives every day.
Are you involved with any research/student organizations on campus? If yes, what has been your most memorable experience so far?
I am currently involved in senior research where my topic is comparing the relationship between anxiety and appraisal of challenge and threat in collegiate athletes using the experience sampling method. I am also a part of Psi Chi, Alpha Epsilon Delta, Omicron Delta Kappa and Alpha Xi Delta. In addition to all of this, I am also a member of Army ROTC and hold a position as an Advance Camp TAC. The most memorable experience of all of these things is the people that I have met and the friendships that I have formed with the organizations.
What advice would you give other pre-health students at Stetson?
Join as many clubs and organizations that seem interesting to you! You never know who you're gonna meet within these clubs and the friendships could end up lasting a lifetime.
Julia Otoski '21 (December)
What is your major?
Health Science
What is your intended profession?
Occupational Therapy
Why did you choose to pursue this profession/career path? Why did you want to be a pre-health student?
I chose to pursue occupational therapy because I believe that giving individuals the necessities to get back to their life before their accident or incident is truly important in life. I want to watch my patients grow independently and for them to see me as someone that gave them their life back. I wanted to be a pre-health student because I always knew I had to be in the medical field no matter what it was. I have grown over my four years at Stetson to love occupational therapy and I am very excited to start my journey in this profession.
Are you involved with any research/student organizations on campus? If yes, what has been your most memorable experience so far?
On-campus, I am involved in my senior research project which is seeing if collegiate athletes appraise a stressful situation as more challenging or threatening. This semester I will be conducting my research within the Stetson community and I am very excited to obtain the data for my research and compare it to what others have found.
What advice would you give other pre-health students at Stetson?
Stick with it. Classes are difficult but the help is always there. Whether it be from other students or professors, you can always find help. Just think about your end goal and how lucky and appreciative you will be once you get to that point.