Professional Standards

Professional accreditation of preparatory education programs and the department's adherence to professional standards is the bedrock upon which all professions (e.g., architecture, engineering, medicine, law, etc.) have built their reputations. These standards and accreditations ensure that those entering their respective fields have been suitably prepared to practice. A program that aligns itself with state and national standards strives to cover a vast body of knowledge as approved by the profession. Accreditation of schools of education indicates that:

  • The school underwent rigorous external review by professionals
  • That performance of a teacher candidate in the program has been thoroughly assessed before they are recommended for licensure
  • That programs meet standards set by the teaching profession at large.

State and National Standards

Stetson University's Department of Education is fully approved by the State of Florida for teacher certification. The department has aligned its programs to meet the State of Florida's Subject Area Competencies as well as the Florida Educators' Accomplished Practices (FEAPs). Candidates are required to plan curriculum and instruction so that their P-12 students will meet the Sunshine State Standards. Candidates must also meet the 2010 Florida Teacher Standards for ESOL Endorsement and the 2022 Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies as required by the State of Florida.

In addition to state standards, the department has also aligned its programs to the following national standards: