Forms are to be dropped off at the Stetson One Stop in the Welcome Center. If you'd like they can also be faxed or mailed; the fax number and mailing address are listed in the contact information on this page.
- Authorization and Consent to Release Education Records - Please use the Authorized User link on the My.Stetson/OneStop tab.
- Request to Amend or Remove Education Records
- Request to Inspect and Review Education Records
- Request to Withhold Directory Information
- Application for Graduation (Online)
- Request to Walk Early in Ceremony - this form is ONLY for students who are NOT graduating in spring and wish to participate early in the commencement ceremony as a future summer or fall candidate. Stipulations are required.
- Adding or Dropping a Minor
- Approved Leave/Exit - this link will take to the Approved Exit/Leave web page for instructions and the form
- Course Exclusion (PDF)
- Course Retake (PDF)
- Degree and Enrollment Verification
- Grade Change/(PDF)
- Removal of Incomplete
- Name Change Request Form (PDF)
- Request for Incomplete (PDF)
- Request for Major or Advisor Change (PDF)
- Request to Reschedule Final Exam (SOBA)
- Request to Reschedule Final Exam (CAS)
- Replacement Diploma Request Form
- Transient Student Form (PDF)
- Add Form - adding a class late - signatures required
- Drop Form - dropping a class after the drop date - signatures required
- Independent Study (PDF)
- Academic Internship Registration Form - for students who have already secured an internship and met with their Faculty Internship Course Instructor
- Overload Request Form (PDF) - students who want to register for 21+ credits or who do not meet minimum criteria to register for 20 credits/Fall or Spring Only
- 20 Credit Overload Form - students who want to register for 20 credits and who meet certain criteria, no signature required/Fall or Spring Only
- Summer Overload Form
- Pass/Fail Form (Online)
- Research Apprenticeship (PDF)
- Teaching Apprenticeship (PDF)
Withdrawing from the University
- Instructions
- Withdrawal Form (Fillable PDF) - Note: The withdrawal form is only if you plan on withdrawing from ALL currently enrolled classes. If you are currently enrolled and just plan on not returning you should complete the Approved Leave/Exit Form noted above under "Other".