Tenure and Promotion

Stetson faculty are teachers and scholars, life-long learners ever pursuing growth in their disciplines and as teachers. The tenure and promotion process serves as a formal review of teaching and librarianship, scholarship and creative activity, and service to and leadership in the University.

Tenure and Promotion Policy 


Guidelines and Resources

Tenure and Promotion Rubrics
These rubrics provide a reference and overview of Tenure and Promotion Standards; however, they should not be used as a substitution for careful study of the Tenure and Promotion Policy.

Disciplinary Articulations of the Tenure and Promotion Standards for Scholarship

In accordance with the Tenure and Promotion Policy, each of the Schools, Divisions of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Library articulates, in writing, the University standards for excellence in scholarship/creative activity. These articulations adhere to the professional standards and/or tenets of the respective disciplines within the School/Division/Library as consistent with the University standards. Disciplinary articulations are reviewed and approved by the Provost. Sample disciplinary standards documents are available upon request.

Division of Education

Division of Humanities & Arts

Division of Natural Sciences

Division of Social Sciences