Third Party Programs
Programs are non-University individuals and organizations that wish to operate programs or activities involving children and minors at University facilities and off-site locations coordinated by the University. This includes programs run by University Community Members that are not University sponsored and are outside the scope of their affiliation with the University. Each Third Party Program must have an academic or administrative unit of the University serving as the Sponsoring Unit and a University employee serving as the Program Sponsor.
Program Registration
All programs and activities involving minors covered under the Protection of Minors Policy must be registered with Office of Human Resources, Office of Public Safety, Office of Risk Management, and Title IX. To register a program or activity, the Program Sponsor must complete and submit the Registration Form for Programs and Activities Involving Minors. Please register the Third Party Program or activity involving minors at least 30 business days in advance to provide ample time for the Protection of Minors Advisory Group to assist you in meeting each of the policy requirements.
Participant Rosters
A roster of program participants must be provided to the University in Microsoft Excel format five business days prior to arrival. Rosters must include each participant’s first and last name, date of birth, and emergency contact information. If registration is permitted through the starting day of the program, an updated participant roster must be provided to the University by the end of the first day of the camp. Updated rosters must also include each participant’s first and last name, date of birth, and emergency contact information. It is the responsibility of the Third-Party Program to ensure the appropriate information release requests are signed by each participant to be able to provide this information to the University.
Assumption of Risk and Liability Waivers
It is the responsibility of the Third Party Program to ensure the appropriate information release requests are signed by each participant to be able to provide this information to the University.
Background Checks and Training
Employees and volunteers of non-Stetson, Third Party Programs using University facilities must have successfully passed criminal background checks and have completed training which includes the prevention, identification, and reporting of child abuse. The Certification of Background Checks and Protection of Minors Training for Third Party Programs form must be completed and signed by the Third Party Program director and forwarded to the Protection of Minors Advisory Group prior to the commencement of any Direct Contact with Minors. This form is intended to verify that all employees and volunteers of non-Stetson, Third Party Programs have had proper background screenings and have successfully completed training. Forms shall be submitted by email to [email protected]. Submitted forms will be stored in the Protect of Minors Advisory Group files.
Background checks and training records for Third-Party Program Authorized Persons must be available upon request by the University. Falsification of these records will result in the termination of all contracts related to the program.
Insurance Requirements
All Third Party Programs must furnish a certificate evidencing its current policies of general liability and property damage insurance in the amounts set forth below, with the University listed as the certificate holder. This “Certificate of Insurance” must be submitted to the Office of Risk Management at least two weeks prior to the requested date for use of school facilities. Stetson University, Inc. must be named as an additional insured in regards to liability by the insurance company providing coverage. The Using Organization can meet SU’s insurance requirements in three ways:
Option 1
- General Liability - $1,000,000
- Sexual Abuse / Molestation - $1,000,000
- Property Damage - $100,000
- Workers' Compensation - Statutory Limits
Option 2
- General Liability - $1,000,000*
*The Description of Operations must state that there are no exclusions in the General Liability policy with respects to Physical/Sexual Abuse, Harassment, or Molestation. - Property Damage - $100,000
- Workers' Compensation - Statutory Limits
Option 3
- General Liability - $1,000,000
- Special Event General Liability Policy - $1,000,000*
*The Description of Operations for the Special Event Insurance Policy must state that there are no exclusions in the Special Event General Liability Policy with respects to Physical/Sexual Abuse, Harassment, or Molestation. - Property Damage - $100,000
- Workers' Compensation - Statutory Limits
Staffing Requirements
Third Party Programs must follow the staffing requirements listed on the Staffing and Supervision webpage.