Information For Students
The university adopted the Honor System as a reflection on its high academic standards and core values. The student-run system is a way of ensuring the quality of a Stetson University education and that the environment in which that education takes place is steeped in ethical values.
Council members have the following roles:
- We educate the campus community about the Honor System and issues of academic integrity.
- We work to inspire students to uphold high ethical standards.
- We serve as a peer hearing board in cases of alleged academic dishonesty.
Stetson University's Honor System doesn't compel you to report cheating. However, you are encouraged to do so. By promoting the system in this way, we hope to develop an environment in which the ideals of academic integrity are so pervasive that students naturally and voluntarily report violations when they occur.
To report a violation, refer to the Reporting a Violation page.
Below are some of the actions that constitute academic dishonesty:
- Taking another's words as your own.
You must always acknowledge the source of ideas, facts and words in your written work. Quotation marks are required when phrases or sentences are taken word-for-word from another source. When paraphrasing, a citation is required to indicate the original source of the facts/ideas.
- Unauthorized collaboration
Many types of college work require collaboration with peers on group assignments. Make sure you understand and follow the guidelines for appropriate collaboration that are articulated by your instructor. Ask questions for clarification if necessary.
- Receiving unauthorized aid of any kind on tests, papers or other assignments.
The work you turn in must be completed under the guidelines set forth by the instructor. Unacceptable aid behaviors include: accessing material from a “cheat sheet”, phone, watch or calculator during an exam; having someone else write a paper or complete an assignment for you; and leaking/receiving information about a test prior to its administration.
- Using fraudulent, falsified, or fabricated evidence/material
Some college assignments require that you collect quantitative (e.g., numbers) or qualitative (e.g., responses to interview questions) data. Turning in assignments with falsified data or data that were collected in a fraudulent manner is academically dishonest.
- Self-plagiarism, or resubmission of work for which you received academic credit in another course.
Unless stated otherwise, professors expect that the work you turn in for a grade is work that you initiated and completed during that semester specifically for a particular assignment. Turning in a piece of work you completed for another course is prohibited.
- Destroying, stealing, or making inaccessible any academic work by another student or academic resource material available to other students.
Sabotaging the ability of your peers to succeed by stealing their work and/or hampering their ability to access academic materials is dishonest.
We discourage anonymous reports and will act at our discretion on anonymous reports of violations.
All incoming students sign the Honor Pledge when they enter the university. Students are encouraged to write the word "pledged" before their name when submitting papers and exams as a symbol of their ongoing support for the principles of the Honor System.
The Honor System Council regularly partners with students and student groups to present programming on academic integrity and ethical decision-making. Some examples include:
- For resident assistants, we can do a presentation for your floor
- For members of Greek organizations, we can do a presentations on academic standards and integrity
- For members of student organizations, we'll work with you to co-host an event
Email our VP for Education so we can discuss the necessary arrangements.
Appointments to the Honor System Council for service during the next academic year are usually made in the spring. Information about the selection process will be publicized at that time. Further information, including application materials, is available on the Honor System Council page.