Signature Programs
The nature and scope of faculty engagement in their own professional development vary. At Stetson University, faculty are involved in a host of diverse mission-driven activities at the institution and beyond that support teaching and learning, leadership, citizenship and service, scholarly research and creative endeavors.
Listed below are several of the signature programs we support. Details about these and future programming are available on the Brown Center for Faculty Innovation and Excellence blog.
Course Design for Essential Learning
Each semester, the Brown Center for Faculty Innovation and Excellence offers a multi-part course design (or redesign) workshop series. Through this engaging, hands-on series of workshops, participants use backward design to develop innovative courses that ...
- foster transformative learning experiences.
- engage students with complex questions.
- use a dilemma, issue or question as an organizational principle.
- clearly defines learning around Essential Learning Outcomes.
- includes pedagogical practices and strategies that have high impact on learning and are inclusive of all learners.
- uses authentic assessment to measure learning at the source.
Annual Teaching and Learning Colloquium
There's something for everyone at the annual Colloquium on Teaching and Learning Innovation. Each spring, the Brown Center hosts colleagues from across the nation for a celebration of learning excellence. We invite you to consider submitting a poster or interactive session to share teaching and learning innovations, gains you have made in any area of learning, present new ideas, and more. A call for proposals will be circulated at the beginning of the spring semester.
Brown Innovation Fellows
Fellows participate as a cohort in an engaging year-long institute. Faculty fellows hone their teaching skills in ways that promote integrative student learning in an atmosphere of continuous improvement. A call for participation will be circulated in early September.
Teaching & Learning Day
On the Friday before the start of the spring semester, all faculty participate in a day of reflection and discussion with colleagues about big issues that impact our University mission and learning community.
Inquiry Circles
Do you have a big idea around learning that advances student learning? Apply for a small grant, then gather with other faculty and/or staff colleagues over the course of the year to study, examine, learn, share and disseminate. These rich professional networks open new opportunities and resources to faculty. Find more information about Inquiry Circles today!
Teaching Consultations
Thinking about a course re-design? Is there something in your course that just isn't working? Just need to bounce an idea? The Brown Center offers individualized teaching consultations tailored to your course. Contact the office to schedule an appointment.