Economics Courses
ECON 103 Essentials of Economics I (1)
An analysis of the economic problem of scarcity that arises because human material wants often exceed the resources required to provide them. The first have of the course focuses on solving these economic problems from the perspective of individual economic agents, such as consumers, producers and government. The second half of the course focuses on the economy as a whole from the aggregate perspective, analyzing the measurement and significance of gross domestic product, unemployment and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are studied to understand their impact on these critical variables.
ECON 104S. Foundations of Economics I (1)
An introduction to economic concepts and tools used to address society's multidimensional economic problems and challenges, including market imperfections. The course includes both traditional economic models of efficient markets and contemporary approaches that address market failures and inequality with a multidisciplinary approach. Micro and macroeconomic concepts and applications are considered.
ECON 113 Essentials of Economics II (1)
A topical analysis of economic issues, problems and policies at the level of individual economic agents, as well as at the level of the aggregate economy. Current economic issues such as social security, health care, unemployment, poverty, labor market, discrimination, antitrust laws, intellectual property rights and market structure will be the focus of this course.
Prerequisite: ECON 103.
ECON 141J Poverty and Microcredit (1)
Students study the multidimensional facets of poverty in the U.S. and worldwide. An analysis of how poverty is manifested locally, regionally, nationally and internationally is undertaken. Also, racial and gendered poverty is explored in different communities. Microcredit programs catering to small entrepreneurship for poverty alleviation are analyzed. Students participate in a workshop series on business plan construction in low-income communities.
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
ECON 300 Intermediate Microeconomics (1)
An in-depth analysis of how consumers and producers arrange their economic activities efficiently in the market to maximize their returns from scarce resources. Monopolies, oligopolies, monopolistic competition and perfect competitive markets are studied to determine the ideal economic outcome for these agents within the context of the larger economy. Game theory and behavioral theories governing economic behavior are also analyzed.
Prerequisites: ECON 102Q and ECON 112.
ECON 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics (1)
An in-depth study of macroeconomic theoretical issues concerning the long-run economic growth and short run business cycles. Focus on such key variables as output/income, unemployment, price level/inflation, interest rate, exchange rate and the interactions among them. Topics include the Solow growth model, endogenous growth model, goods market equilibrium, financial market equilibrium, labor market equilibrium, IS-LM/AD-AS model and fiscal/monetary policies.
Prerequisites: ECON 102Q and ECON 112.
ECON 303 Money and Banking (1)
The nature and function of money, the banking system, the Federal Reserve system and monetary policy.
Prerequisites: ECON 102Q and ECON 112. Also offered as FIN 303.
ECON 306 Humane Economics, Freedom and Justice (1)
This course focuses on the conceptual foundations of freedom in economics, including the notions of free individuals, free societies and personal responsibility. A fundamental question addressed in the course is if conventional market economics has lost sight of the role of human values of trust and compassion, resulting in both an impoverished quality of life and also a less efficient and prosperous economy.
ECON 307H Sub-Sahara African Economic History of Colonialism and its Aftermath (1)
Students undertake a socio-economic and historical analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa during the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial eras. The course focuses on the major changes facing the region since independence, including economic underdevelopment, poverty, disease, famine and governance. Through theories, literary works, case studies and direct interviews of Sub-Saharan Africans, the major perspectives that attempt to explain, predict and effect transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa will be made intelligible from a historical perspective.
ECON 325R Energy, Environment, and Economics (1)
Economic analysis applied to U.S. and world use of energy including present and future problems of energy use, particularly its effects on the environment. Possible paths to a sustainable energy future will be explored.
ECON 342 MicrocreditWorkshop. (1)
A study of small business development plans along with student-led community workshops on business development.
ECON 347J-JS Local Economic Development (1)
Students will examine the local Volusia County economy, especially with reference to government, the private sector, non-government institutions and other voluntary agencies. The course involves a combination of theoretical and empirical analyses on how low-wage working families make ends meet, and the agencies that support these families. Asset allocation, poverty, finances and taxation all form a part of our study, as do studies of justice, agency and equity. In partnership with local community leaders, government and other agencies, students will serve working families through tax preparation.
ECON 351R Environment, Ethics, and Religion (1)
Students analyze the environment with respect to individuals and communities in the world economy taking responsibility for the preserving the environment for future generations. Students compare how various religions of the world view the economy in relation to environmental responsibility at the personal and public levels. Ways in which different religions may function as a mechanism for encouraging people to take personal responsibility for the environment is examined.
ECON 364S Economic Problems of Latin America (1)
This course explores Latin America's agrarian roots, its patterns of human resource development, its environmental issues and its experiences with foreign investment and trade. The focus in this course is multidisciplinary as it draws on a variety of fields beyond economics, including political science, sociology, history and geography for its analysis. As this course analyzes problems from a Latin American perspective, it contrasts the Latin American experiences with those of other regions, especially Anglo-America and East Asia.
ECON 366 Health Economics (1)
Health care system and healthcare policy have been the big front runners of the US political debates due to the former's large share in the US budget and not so large achievements in healthcare outcomes. In this regard, this course will cover the foundations of economics of health care that integrate the fields of economics, public health, and related policies. Content includes demand for health, medical care, and insurance; supply of medical care and behavior of health care practitioners; and economic perspectives on measurement in health care research. The objective of the course is for students to acquire a basic understanding of economic knowledge and thinking that can be applied to current challenges in health care policy and practice. Students will learn the basic health economic models from the assigned textbook and real-world applications through health care-related articles and pod casts. Prerequisite: ECON 103S or ECON 104S.
ECON 368S Chinese Economy and Society (1)
This course focuses on contemporary Chinese economy and society. Topics include China's geography, population, language and culture, economic growth, economic, financial and political systems, urban-rural divide, China and the world. Additional topics as requested by students may be included.
ECON 374Q Intro to Research in Economics (1)
This course analyzes the theory and practice of the basic concepts, tools and procedures of economic research. It involves data sources, computer operation, mathematical economics and statistical analysis. Simple and multiple regression analysis forms part of the focus of this course.
Prerequisites: ECON 102Q and ECON 112; DS 280 or the equivalent.
ECON 374J Local Economic Development (1)
Students will examine the local Volusia County economy, especially with reference to government, the private sector, non-government institutions and other voluntary agencies. The course involves a combination of theoretical and empirical analyses on how low-wage working families make ends meet, and the agencies that support these families. Asset allocation, poverty, finances and taxation all form a part of our study, as do studies of justice, agency and equity. In partnership with local community leaders, government and other agencies, students will participate in local economic empowerment practices through service-learning.
Prerequisite: Junior Standing
ECON 380 Department Colloquium (0)
Pass/Fail only. A critical examination of current research and issues in economics and global development.
ECON 385/485. Independent Study (.5/1)
Independent studies are intended to provide an opportunity for students with strong interest and initiative to pursue the study of topics that are not part of the regular course offerings. They are arranged by mutual agreement between faculty member and student. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
ECON 395 Teaching Apprenticeship (1)
Exceptional students join faculty members' courses to study the teaching of economics and acquire some hands-on experience. The course is reserved for upper-division economics majors who have been recommended by faculty in the department. May be repeated once.
ECON 397 Economics Internship (1)
(Pass/Fail only)
Students will have the opportunity to seek an internship experience in work involving economic analysis. Students will be accepted into this course only by permission of the instructor. To qualify, students must have:
- Earned at least three units of credit in economics
- An overall GPA of at least 2.5
- Attained junior or senior status
They will be required to obtain a letter of evaluation from the supervisor of the project and to present a paper which describes their work experience and analyzes an economic problem related to this experience.
ECON 424 International Economics (1)
Theory of international trade, commercial policies, balance of payments, international monetary arrangements and interaction of domestic and foreign economies.
Prerequisites: ECON 102Q and ECON 112 or permission of the instructor.
ECON 475 Econometrics (1)
This course focuses on the fundamentals of regression analysis. It covers the best of contemporary applied econometrics. Topics include a review of multiple regressions, instrumental variables regressions, nonlinear regressions, regressions with a binary dependent variable, regressions with panel data, and time series regressions and forecasting. An emphasis is placed on understanding as well as implementation of actual problems.
Prerequisites: ECON 102Q and ECON 112; DS 280, ECON 374 or equivalents.
ECON 480 Department Colloquium (.25)
Pass/Fail only. A critical examination of current research and issues in economics and global development.
ECON 498 Senior Project Proposal. (1)
Students will select a topic in economics and develop it, in collaboration with a faculty member, from conception to a feasible project to be undertaken in ECON 499. The student will develop a statement of the problem to be studied, the methods to be used and the background information needed to solve the problem. The student will write a project proposal including any preliminary results and present the problem and results to the department.
ECON 499 Senior Project (1)
Students will extend their research project started in ECON 498. The student will write a final paper, and present the results to the department.
Prerequisite: ECON 498.
For more information, please refer to the University Catalog.