Faculty Academic Advising
Each undergraduate student entering the university is assigned to a member of the faculty who serves as the student's academic adviser. In general, students are assigned to advisers in the student's major field or in a field in which the student has expressed an interest. Students in the Discovery Program who have not yet declared a major are assigned to an advisor based on their interests; Discovery Program advisors are selected from a variety of disciplines and are specifically trained work with Discovery students.
Students are encouraged to consult their advisors at any time in regard to both academic and personal matters. The advising relationship is co-created by the advisor and student, thus the frequency - and formality - of advising meetings may vary across advising relationships. Regardless, each student must meet with their academic advisor specifically for registration advising prior to the registration process each semester. Dates for registration advising are posted on the academic calendar each semester. Advisors should plan to have time set aside for advisee meetings those weeks.
To help guide advisors in their work with students Academic Success provides periodic training for faculty advisors and maintains advising resources for both faculty and students. Academic advisors are available in Academic Success for student appointments and offer supplemental advising to support students and faculty. We encourage you to explore the resources available on the Academic Advising website.
The Office of the Registrar's website also has important information for students which we encourage you to review, including registration dates for the current semester, registration tips for students, student academic policies, and various request forms.