Independent Contractor Agreements

An independent contractor is an individual or firm who provides services to Stetson University and is not an employee. It is an individual or firm who should be paid under a 1099 (and not a W-2). More specifically, it is a worker who:

  1. is engaged in an independently established profession or business;
  2. provides a service outside of the University's usual course of business; and
  3. is free from the University's control or direction when providing services.

Independent Contractors can include, but are not limited to, Consultants, Entertainers, Guest Speakers, Visiting Experts, Individuals and Companies.

Several contractor agreements are available, each tailored to the nature of the services to be provided. Each agreement is comprised of a Checklist, to be completed by the Department contracting services, and the Contractor Agreement.

  1. Review each agreement type and select the agreement best suited to the provided services. Download the associated Checklist and Contractor Agreement.
    Note: Firefox users: open the files with Word. Chrome, Edge and Internet Explorer users: right-click and download (save) the files to the desktop.
  2. Access the Checklist; complete the Determination of Independent Contractor Status (page 2 of each checklist).
  3. Access the Contractor Agreement. Complete the blank portions of the agreement with the desired terms and forward to the Contractor for signature. Additionally, the agreement document includes both individual and corporate Vendor Information W-9 Substitute forms; the Contractor should complete the appropriate form (individual or corporate) if needed in lieu of a Form W-9. Also provided is an optional direct deposit form.
  4. Use the Checklist to track the needed items for submitting a complete Contractor Agreement. Once all items are gathered and reviewed for completion, please forward the complete packet to the Office of Finance for processing.


An individual performing non-entertainment services (e.g., speaking, lecturing) of a duration less than one week.

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

A company or individual providing entertainment services (e.g., musicians, singers, magicians, actors, hypnotists, dancers, comedians).

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

A company or individual providing event coordinator services for a university event. The contractor will handle all coordination needed the event, including, but not limited to, hiring and payment of performers, inflatables, equipment and food vendors, etc.

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

An individual performing short-term Athletics and Club Sports services for games and scrimmages. Please contact the Office of Human Resources to verify the payroll status of the student and the appropriate payment method before submitting this agreement.

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

A company that supplies, sets up, constructs and/or operates equipment and temporary structures (e.g., mechanical bulls, sumo wrestling, jousting, inflatables, bleachers, rock walls).

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

A company or individual providing alcohol-related services for a university event.

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

A company or individual providing food and/or catering services for a university event.

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

A company or individual providing services that do not fit the descriptions of the other contractor agreements listed prior.

» Download Checklist | Contractor Agreement

Frequently Asked Questions

Form W-9 is an IRS document used to certify the taxpayer identification number for payments of income, real estate transactions, mortgage interest and various other transactions. An individual or entity (Form W-9 Requester) who is required to file information returns with the IRS must obtain the payee's correct taxpayer identification (TIN), which may be a social security number, individual identification number or employer identification number.

Stetson University is required to collect a W-9 from all U.S. citizens and resident aliens (individuals or entities).

Nonresident alien individuals and foreign entities do not complete Form W-9 but instead file Form W-8BEN.

A certificate of insurance provides proof that the IC has appropriate insurance coverages to cover them while they are performing their services.

The "Additional Insured" status requirement on the COI helps to prevent liability and costs from falling to the University when an incident or claim occurs due to the actions or fault of the Contractor or their equipment. The COI is something that the Contractor would obtain from their insurance agent. This is a common business practice between two contractual parties.

The Certificate of Insurance should include the following:

  • Proof of the following coverages: General Liability - $1,000,000 Coverage Limit; Auto Liability (if applicable to services) - $1,000,000; Workers Comp/Employers Liability - as per State Statute (unless Contractor is exempt from Workers Comp).
  • Stetson University, Inc. is listed as both the Certificate Holder and as an Additional Insured in regards to the Contractor's services.

Name and address for the COI Certificate Holder Box:

Stetson University, Inc.
Attn: (Stetson Dept Contact)
421 N Woodland Blvd DeLand, FL 32723

Travel expenses should be included as part of the Contractor's fee. No receipts are required and should not be retained by the Department. The total amount paid to the Contractor will be reported on a 1099 at the end of the calendar year if the total amount paid during the year is at least $600.

No, the Contractor will be responsible for making travel arrangements.

Payment for contracts is not available until after the service has been provided. Be sure to note this with the Contractor when negotiating the contract. Make sure not to promise payment at the event or prior. The University will not pay for services prior or upfront.

The Contractor should send the completed agreement back to the Department requesting the contract. The Department will send the completed agreement and all other items on the checklist as one package to the Office of Finance.

Typically, a Stetson University Contractor Agreement will still be needed and will be considered as the primary agreement (please choose the agreement that best fits the Contractor's services and event scenarios).

If needed, the Contractor's agreement/special terms will be included at the end of the Contractor Agreement as an addendum (i.e., additional terms to be included).

  • The terms of the Contractor's agreement or any special terms or requests should be reviewed by the requesting Department. If any changes are made to the Contractor's agreement, initially next to those changes with a date. The combined agreements will also need to be reviewed by the Financial Office. If any terms of the Contractor's agreement are in conflict with the University's of the Contractor Agreement or are not acceptable, this shall be noted on the agreement along with the date of revision and initials.
  • After revisions are completed, the combined agreements should be submitted back to the Contractor for review and signature.
  • Once the Contractor completes and signs the final Contractor Agreement, it should go to the Finance Office along with all other required forms for final approval. Refer to the Checklist to make sure all items are completed and included.

If there is a particular vendor or supplier that will not use any of the University's Contractor Agreements and, instead, requires their own agreement, all vendor-produced contracts must be reviewed, in advance, by the Finance Office and the Office of Compliance and Risk Management.

Additional Forms

Check Request Form

IRS website for independent contractors or employees

International Vendor Wire Payment Request