Testing Accommodation Expectations
The following are the expectations of students when utilizing their testing accommodations. The expectations are posted on the webform submitted by the students to schedule their exams with Academic Success. In addition, the "during an exam" expectations are also posted on the coversheet submitted by all faculty with the exams.
Scheduling an Exam:
- Students must request to take an exam with Academic Success by completing the "Academic Success Exam Scheduling" form on the Academic Success web page or provide the professor with notice of wanting to use their testing accommodations between 5-7 business days in advance of the scheduled test. Any requests or professor notification after this deadline may or may not be reasonably accommodated.
- Exams scheduled with Academic Success must take place between 8:00am and 5:00pm during the regular semester. Academic Success hours will reflect exam hours during finals week.
- A student cannot miss or be late to another course due to their testing accommodations.
- A test taken at Academic Success will be proctored at the same time the test is given in the classroom. Any deviation from the class' expected start time must be approved by the professor. The following are potential scheduling reasons to change the start time of an exam:
- A student has back to back classes that extended time may conflict with the second course's start time. In this case, the exam start time would be changed for the student to complete the exam on time.
- The student has a sequence of multiple courses in one day that would be affected by extended time.
- The course's scheduled exam time or extended time would take the student beyond the business hours of Academic Success (only if testing at Academic Success).
During an Exam (If testing with Academic Success):
- A student must arrive to Academic Success at the approved time for the exam. If a student is late to the exam, no additional time will be provided to the student beyond the original approved testing time.
- All students will sign the Honor Pledge prior to being provided with the exam.
- Only approved permitted aids are allowed in the testing room. Any unauthorized belongings, included but not limited to note sheets, electronic devices, flash cards, etc., present in the testing room may be considered a violation of the Honor Pledge. Academic Success will provide a locked storage space for any additional items brought by the student. A student found in violation of this expectation will be referred to the Stetson University Honor Council and an email will be sent to the professors of the course.
- No calculator cases/covers are allowed in the testing rooms. Calculator instruction cards/booklets must be inspected by Academic Success staff before entering the testing room.
- If permitted, Academic Success will provide scratch paper.
- At the end of the allotted time, students must return any borrowed materials to Academic Success staff (i.e. calculators, pens, pencils, scratch paper, etc.).
- The time limit for tests will be strictly enforced. Proofreading, editing, and completing testing materials must be completed within the test time limit.