Sure Grant Recipients 2016 (continued)
Jake Moore
Paleography and Editing in English Medieval Textuality: Transcribing Chaucerian Manuscripts
I am endeavoring to participate in the ongoing Canterbury Tales Project.
Kristen Meiler
Effect of salinity on embryonic Axolotl development
The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, is an aquatic salamander native to Laguna Alchichica in Puebla, Mexico.
Tracy-Lynn Cleary
Photoreactivity of 2-Methoxy-4-(2-phthalimidinyl)phenylsulfonyl Chloride
2-Methoxy-4-(2-phthalimidinyl)phenylsulfonyl Chloride (MPS-Cl) is a fluorescent probe used in labeling phenols and cresols.
Matthew Rafferty
Building Belfast, Historical Memory and the Titanic Belfast Museum
In 2004, the government of Northern Ireland set forth to install five new tourist attractions to enhance the economy of Belfast, as well as bring tourism to the once great city in an effort to revitalize its story.
Steven Pilato
Self-Objectification, Body Image, and Eating and Exercise Behavior in Men
Self-objectification is the act of taking on an observer's perspective when thinking one's own body and treating the body as if it represents the self.