PolicyTech Training and Transition Information
All current university policies are in the process of being migrated to PolicyTech. PolicyTech is a web-based policy management solution that automates the process of drafting, approving and publishing policies. The intent of this new system is to provide convenient access to university, campus, school, college and department policies and will be the centralized source for the most current version of Stetson policies.
PolicyTech serves as a database for university, school, college and department policies that have been adopted, revised and approved as described in the Policy on Policies. Current policies will be added to PolicyTech as they are revised to comply with the Policy on Policies. New policies will be added to PolicyTech as they are approved.
If the policy you are searching for has not yet been revised and migrated into PolicyTech, please contact the school, college or department that oversees the policy or the subject matter to obtain the most up-to-date policy.
Owner, writer, reviewer and approver access to PolicyTech is limited at this time. If you are a policy owner, writer, reviewer or approver and do not have access to PolicyTech, please contact Elise Paulson, Director of Risk Management.
Important Links
View Published Policies and Procedures in PolicyTech