Megan O'Neill

Professor and Quality Enhancement Program Director

I've been at Stetson for more than 20 years, and one thing I know for sure is that this place is rich with good people who want to help, enrich, empower and reinforce each other. My professional life is about writing studies, rhetoric and composition, grammar/linguistics, teaching critical skills, writing program administration, assessment, pedagogy and WAC/WEC programs; and my personal life is deeply entwined with Nnedi Okafor, Seanan McGuire, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, cats, herb gardens that include cats, the art of effective cursing, Argentine tango and Star Trek. Somehow, this all goes together, with a side of family and friends. 

  • PhD, English language and literature, University of New Mexico, 1996
  • MA, English rhetoric and composition, Eastern Washington University, 1992
  • BA, English creative writing, Eastern Washington University, 1990
  • NASM Certifications for teaching Yoga, Pilates, 2016-present
  • UHT Graduate Certification in Mindfulness Meditation, 2020


Megan O'Neill


I came to Stetson in 1999 to teach writing and run the First Year English courses. Over the course of 20+ years, I have grown deep roots in a great university, a wonderful community and a very long list of long-time colleagues who are also friends. When I'm not wearing my Stetson hat, I study and teach a range of yoga practices, meditation practices, and hard core Pilates. I read a ton of literature most people would find surprising, but the list of literature I don't read is probably more surprising. Oh, and I try hard to spoil my spouse and my cat, although not always in that order (because cats). For fun, I rely on Nnedi Okafor, Seanan McGuire, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, cats, herb gardens that include cats, the art of effective cursing, Argentine tango and Star Trek.

More About Megan O'Neill

Areas of Expertise

  • Writing program administration and assessment
  • Student writing and research skill acquisition
  • Stetson's writing program and Writing Center
  • Pedagogy and composition
  • Grammar and Linguistics
  • Star Trek (not ST:ENT)
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Course Sampling

I teach writing in theoretical and practical perspectives, with a heavy emphasis on considerations of audience, equity, ethos, anti-racist pedagogy, and descriptive grammar.

  • Star Trek and American Ethics (JSEM with E designation)
  • Write For Your Life (memoir, conflict, career)
  • Grammar and Rhetoric
  • Exploring Writing Studies

  • Writing program administration and assessment
  • Student skill acquisition
  • Longitudinal study of Stetson's writing program
  • Writing and critical thinking
  • Writing Pedagogy
  • Information Literacy and undergraduate critical thinking
  • Anti-racist practices in writing pedagogy

  • "Writing Program Assessment at Small Liberal Arts Colleges," editors Megan O'Neill and Genie Giaimo. An edited collection of articles from writing directors at SLACs, who individually address the key questions about writing assessment that the WPA at a SLAC must confront. Submitted to Parlor Press 2021. 
  • "Writing and the Undergraduate Curriculum: Using Assessment Evidence to Create a Model for Institutional Change" New Directions for Teaching and Learning 2018, Issue 154.
  • "A Force for Educational Change: Refocusing Our Community on Writing." Composition Forum Vol 30, Fall 2014.
  • "Guide to Writing at Stetson University," 4th edition. Stetson-specific guide focusing on writing skills and basic information for all incoming students. Hayden-McNeil, publishers. 2011. (Now under development as an online resource.)