Kyle Dickey

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology

Kyle Dickey, PhD, is a social psychologist who teaches courses in the psychology program including social psychology, theories & research in personality, as well as statistics and research methods. Dr. Dickey works with undergraduate students to study counterfactual thinking, mental simulation, and cognitive biases.

  • PhD, psychology, Texas A&M University
  • BA, psychology, Miami University (OH)


Kyle Dickey


Kyle Dickey, PhD, is a social psychologist whose research focuses on the ways individuals create and use mental simulations, and how those simulations are biased. His main research focus involves counterfactual ("what if?" or "if only...") thoughts, and how individuals do (or do not) learn from past failures. Dickey works with undergraduate students both in and outside the classroom. Students interested in learning more about Dickey's work should email or meet with him to discuss research.

More About Kyle Dickey

Areas of Expertise

  • Social Psychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Social Cognition
  • Judgment and Decision Making

Course Sampling

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Theories and Research in Personality
  • Statistics
  • Research Methods
  • Senior Project

  • Counterfactual Thinking
  • Mental Simulation
  • Judgment and Decision Making

  • Dickey, K. J., Smallman, R., Dowd, S., & Arthur, K. (Submitted). The role of failure mindsets in functional counterfactual thinking. Submitted to Personality and Individual Differences
  • Smallman, R., Ramos, A., Dickey, K. J., Dowd, S., & Fields, S. (2018). If only I wasn't so impulsive: Counterfactual thinking and delay-discounting. Personality and Individual Differences, 135, 212-215.