Alan Green

Professor and Chair of Economics; Global Development Program Director

Education at its basic level is the dogged pursuit of truth, which will inevitably end in failure. We can, however, identify falsehoods, systematically consider evidence and honestly critique our modes of thought.

  • PhD, Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, 2009
  • MA, International Relations, University of Chicago, 2004
  • BA, Political Science, Furman University, 2003


Alan Green


Alan Green is a research economist and teacher; his work focuses on international development, trade and poverty. His academic research on economic development and international trade is published in journals such as the Journal of Development Studies, the Journal of Institutional Economics and the Review of International Economics. As a teacher, Dr. Green focuses on engaging students with an interactive approach that encourages critical thinking. He conducts research on effective pedagogy and has published articles in the Journal of Economic Education and the International Review of Economics Education. Dr. Green also uses Team-Based Learning and was part of the development team for a National Science Foundation Grant supporting Team-Based Learning in Economics

More About Alan Green

Areas of Expertise

  • Development Economics
  • International Trade
  • Institutional Economics
  • Teaching Economics

Course Sampling

  • Essentials of Economics I
  • Foundations of Economics I, II
  • Foundations of Globalization
  • Financial Economics
  • Intermediate Microeconomics
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • International Economics
  • Game Theory
  • Economic Development and Human Progress
  • Senior Proposal and Project

  • International poverty
  • Economic Development
  • History of Capitalism
  • Role of Democratic Institutions in Global Economic Development
  • Effective Teaching and Higher Education.

  • Green, Alan (2018) "Democracy and Institutions in Postcolonial Africa" Journal of Institutional Economics 14(2), 207-231.
  • Green, Alan and Danielle Sanderson (2018) "The Roots of STEM Achievement: An Analysis of Persistence and Attainment in Stem Majors." The American Economist 63 (1), 79-93.
  • Green, Alan (2017) "Contracts do Matter: Robust Evidence of an Optimal Level of Legal Formalism in Developing Countries" Journal of Development Studies 53 (10), 1663-1678
  • Green, A. (2016) "Significant returns in engagement and performance with a free teaching app" The Journal of Economic Education, 47 (1), 1-10.
  • Green, Alan (2014) "The Case for the Traditional Classroom" International Review of Economics Education. 16 part B. pp. 87-99.
  • Green, Alan (2014) "The Classroom as Policy Laboratory: Using a Classroom Simulation to Experience Macroeconomic Policy" Journal of Finance and Economics Education. 13 (1), 64-78.
  • Green, Alan (2013) "Estimating the Effects of Democratization in African Countries: A Simultaneous Equations Approach." Economic Systems 37 (4), 555-571.
  • Green, Alan & Moser, C. (2013). "Do Property Rights Institutions Matter at the Local Level? Evidence from Madagascar" Journal of Development Studies 49 (1), 95-109.
  • Green, Alan & de Gorter, H. (2011). "Analyzing the System of Preferential Tariffs for Least Developed Countries." Review of International Economics 19 (3), 436-448.
  • Green, Alan (2011). "Institutions Matter, but in Surprising Ways: New Evidence on Institutions in Africa." Kyklos 64 (1), 87-105..

Working Papers

  • Green, Alan and Sanderson,Danielle (2014) "Steps to Success: An Analysis of Persistence and Attainment in Stem Majors."
  • Green, Alan (2014) "Significant Returns on Engagement and Performance with a Free Clicker App."
  • Green, Alan (2013) "Contracts Do Matter: Robust Evidence of an Optimal Level of Legal Formalism in Developing Countries" (under review).
  • Green, Alan (2013) "Democracy and Institutions in Postcolonial Africa" (under review).
  • Green, Alan (2012) "The Household Analysis of Comparative Development: An Empirical Replication." (under review).