Career and Professional Development for Students

At Stetson, we know that your first job after law school is just that -- the first step in a long, successful and rewarding career.

Accordingly, we will provide the career toolkit to help you launch the career that is right for you.

We will support your career choices through individual counseling sessions and group workshops, which focus on career strategy and planning, research, document preparation and publishing, communication and outreach, decision making, and mentoring.

View Jobs with Symplicity

Meet Our Team

Our team of professional staff has extensive experience and knowledge.

Our Staff

Career Toolkit Workbook

A handy resource to help you launch, build, and grow a successful career. Request access now!

View Toolkit Workbook

Employment Reports

Each year, we compile employment data about our graduates in accordance with ABA requirements.

View Employment Reports

Employment Survey

Are you a 3L or graduate? Please help with ABA compliance and academic rankings:

Complete Employment Survey

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