law symbols and tools

LL.M. in Elder Law - Library Resources

Librarians and staff at the Stetson University College of Law Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library are committed to the success of all LL.M. students and offer outstanding resources and services to support these students and this program. The library has an extensive collection of elder law materials, including online resources. Research needs for LL.M. students will be met through unlimited access to all online databases, a fax and photocopy service, and direct loans of materials.

The library is staffed by dual-degreed professional reference librarians (M.L.S. and J.D.) who provide reference assistance through an 800 number for one-on-one reference service, email reference assistance, and an online chat reference service. The library also provides an introductory research webcast focusing specifically on those resources that are most likely to be needed as part of the LL.M. program. This webcast also includes tips for successful online research and offers strategies for successful research in the area of elder law.