Find Your Spot: Choosing a Law School

Gathering information from a variety of sources will aid you greatly in selecting a law school. Most law school admission representatives will gladly provide prospective students with information regarding their programs. In addition to consulting with your Pre-Law adviser, you should also consider the following sources of online and on-campus information:

Every fall semester, Stetson University offers a Graduate and Professional School Fair that is sponsored by Career Success. The fair attracts many professional and graduate schools including law schools. This event is open to all Stetson University students and provides an opportunity to network with law school admission representatives. 

Professor Speaks with Law Students

The Law School Admission Council is one of the single largest clearinghouses for law school information including law school rankings, a law school finder and application strategies.

This online tool - available to current and prospective students - enables those interested in the College of Law to explore varied course options and pathways

Law Students Share a Laugh