Insurance Information for Students
As with most colleges, students enrolled at Stetson University are expected to have adequate health insurance to cover them while attending the university. For domestic students, the ACA mandates that were implemented by the government in 2014 required that most people have health insurance. See below for the most up to date information regarding the ACA/Affordable Care Act as changes have been made recently.
International Students:
If you are an international student, please see this Webpage Link at the Stetson Intranet:
Insurance Information for International Students page.
(for insurance coverage options while studying in the U.S.)
Domestic Students (U.S. Citizens/Non-International students):
Insurance mandates implemented a few years ago allow students to remain on their parents insurance until age 26 (even if married). To find out more about the Affordable Care Act, applicable tax penalties, special coverage mandates and how to sign up, please go to the Government's ACA Website: (See “Get Answers” Tab at the top of the page)
Voluntary Student-Specific Plans:
Due to low interest and lack of enrollment, a student-specific voluntary plan is no longer available at this time.
Searching for Plans:
If you are not currently covered under your parent's plan or another health plan, or you have currently lost coverage through no fault of your own, please visit the ACA Website at Health Insurance for College Students for information in how to obtain individual health insurance.