RSL Services

Meet With a Chaplain

Stetson's chaplains are available to all members of the Stetson community regardless of their spiritual affiliation or non-affiliation. They are happy to provide spiritual guidance or just to listen without judging and offer friendship and compassion.

Chaplains are confidential resources, meaning they will not share information about your conversations without your permission.

Crisis Care

In addition to being available as a resource for discussing spiritual concerns, the chaplain has some specific roles in responding in times of personal or community loss. When a student is known to have had a death in the family, the chaplain will reach out to offer comfort and assistance. Later in the grieving process, talking with the chaplain may also be helpful. Additionally, when there is a death of a member of the Stetson community, whether student, faculty or staff, the chaplain will assist in providing support in planning for services for the Stetson community. This may also include offering times of vigil and prayer when there are local or national tragedies. The mourning process is unique to each person and community. Even long after the actual loss, talking with a spiritual friend can help in the healing.

Chaplain Todd Campbell is available to meet on conferencing platforms available to all Stetson students, faculty and staff. To make an appointment, email Todd at [email protected]

Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Room

The Interfaith Prayer and Meditation Room is available to all students by card access from 8 a.m. to midnight.

Deliberative Dialogues

Through structured conversations, we create space for students to have conversations about things that matter - especially leaning into the "three topics that shouldn't be discussed at dinner" - religion, race and politics - so that students learn how to constructively discuss challenging topics with people who are different from them and who may disagree with them.

Religious Observance Policy

At Stetson University, individual faculty members establish attendance policies to support academic excellence in their courses. Stetson University also supports participation in and observance of religious and spiritual practices and endeavors to make reasonable accommodations to make such participation possible. The impact on academic excellence is always the central concern of any accommodation. Students who must miss classes for religious observances are expected to discuss these absences with the instructor in advance.

Religious Observance Policy