model un group picture in miami

Model UN

Stetson's Model United Nations Team participates in several regional and national UN simulation conferences, learning about international diplomacy and negotiation by representing delegations from a variety of countries and working together to grapple with real-world challenges, including nuclear proliferation, terrorism, human rights, poverty, and the environment. Participants in Model UN develop leadership and public speaking skills and have the opportunity to meet other students with interests in international politics, organization, and law.


students from the model UN  posing together during conference

Learn more about Model UN

Our purpose is to act as a hub for the coordination and facilitation of global issue education through simulation. We aim to help students become global citizens by developing a greater understanding of the nations of the world, the relations between them, their foreign and domestic policies, and the nature of their work in the United Nations or similar bodies. All the while, the program aims to give students the opportunities to lead others, practice public speaking, make new connections with other students from around the world, and enjoy applying what they have learned in the classroom with as much experiential learning as studying.



In October 2022 our delegates arrived at Washington DC for the NCSC50 conference. They began their day by going to the United Nations Foundation, to which they were personally invited. After this, they began their first day of debate. 


From March 29th until April 2nd, 2023, the Stetson Model United Nations Club visited ChoMUN 26, an exceptional crisis-oriented conference by the University of Chicago. The conference was held in the Palmer House Hotel, where all the committees and most delegates were housed during the event. Our student delegates competed with grit and received positive feedback from chairs, including "phenomenal work... great adaptation from previous advice... great work!" We would like to thank Senator Mike Haridopolos, the Department of Political Science and Department of Economics at Stetson University, The Stetson University College of Arts and Sciences, and the Student Government Association at Stetson for financially making this trip possible. 


In April 2023, our delegates won three awards for representing Libya across two committees at Florida Southern College's Model Arab League!

Miami and DC

In October 2023, our delegates made a trip to the National Model United Nations (NMUN) near Washington, DC and 305MUN in Miami, Florida. António Guterres, current UN Secretary-General, welcomed us in a prerecorded speech for NMUN!

Los Angeles

Our delegates had a blast in Los Angeles MUN from April 11-14, 2024. At the conference, we were presented with nine crisis committees and five general assemblies and specialized bodies. While this was the first conference for some of our members, this was also the last conference of our graduating seniors, and we couldn’t be more proud of this team. We were a total cohort of 8 students. From writing directives and presenting speeches on the Speaker’s List to exploring the LA area between committee sessions; from making new friends and meeting celebrities to eating delicious food by the beach, our delegates had a wonderful time!

Model Senate

Our delegates have a tradition of becoming senators at Stetson's very own Model Senate. 

Check out our social media accounts to keep up with our meetings, conferences and competitions