For Students - Frequently Asked Questions
Please select the questions below to view the answer. If you still have questions, please contact the ADA Coordinator at [email protected].
What is accommodation? What makes it "reasonable"?
Accommodation refers to the "modification of policies, practices, and procedures; the provision of auxiliary aids and services; academic adjustments and modifications to the environment intended to remove barriers to equivalent access" (AHEAD, 2013).
Institutions must make efforts to provide reasonable accommodations, which may or may not be an individual's preferred accommodation. Reasonable accommodations provide equal access, but do not:
- Create an undue advantage for the recipient;
- Fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity;
- Allow access to a program for which a student is not otherwise qualified;
- Give rise to an undue financial or administrative burden; or
- Provide assistance of a personal nature, as in personal attendants or aids for personal use or study.
To help applicants for admission and current students understand the rigor of the academic programs offered at the College, and the minimum essential skills and abilities needed for successful completion, the College of Law has developed standards for successful law study. Please see the Reasonable Accommodations and Standards for Law Study (PDF) for details.
Will I receive the same accommodations I received at prior schools?
Determining accommodations is an individualized process to determine the best fit for the student within the rigorous academic programs offered at the College of Law. While understanding previous accommodations and their utility is an important part of the process, not all prior accommodations will necessarily be reasonable and appropriate for the law school environment.
Additionally, keep in mind that the process for receiving accommodations varies by the institution; other schools or testing agencies may have different requirements and criteria for eligibility.
Will I receive the same accommodations as another student with the same disability?
The accommodation process is an individualized endeavor and accommodations that are granted are between the College and each individual student. As such, students with similar disabilities will be accommodated on an individual basis, and a student should not assume that an accommodation granted to another student will be similarly granted. If you have knowledge of or questions about a particular accommodation that may be helpful for you, please discuss this with the ADA Coordinator.
When do I need to request accommodations?
It is best practice to request your accommodations through Accommodate as early as possible. Generally, you may begin requesting accommodations for a semester or summer session at the conclusion of the final examination period for the previous semester or session. Once you submit a request, the ADA Coordinator will evaluate and determine whether or not to grant the accommodation. You are entitled to accommodations at the College of Law as of the date of your granted letter of accommodation. The College of Law has a reasonable time after the date of that letter to implement your accommodations. However, retroactive accommodations are not given.
Is my information kept confidential?
Confidentiality is always a concern, so please know that information sharing is kept to a minimum. Typically, the only information needed to ensure the provision of granted accommodations is shared with applicable College of Law faculty and staff, not information about the student's disability. More information can be shared at the student's request, which should be discussed with the ADA Coordinator.
What does it mean that a service animal must "do work or perform tasks?"
Under Federal and Florida Laws governing service animals, the animal must perform work or tasks for its handler because of a disability. The task(s) performed by the service animal must be directly related to the person's disability.
For example, an animal might provide stability and balance to someone with impaired mobility, might alert someone who has a hearing impairment to sounds, or might interrupt someone with a psychiatric disability from engaging in self-destructive or dangerous acts.
Am I required to provide documentation certifying an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and/or Service Animal?
No. You are not required to provide any documentation certifying an animal as a Service Animal or ESA. See 28 C.F.R. Pt. 35. However, a word of caution: there are many online agencies that claim to provide official certifications for ESAs, yet they have no legal authority or agency accreditation. While documentation may be required to prove compliance with federal, state, and local laws, you should contact the ADA Coordinator about what is and is not required.
I just found out I am pregnant. Do I qualify for accommodations?
A: Generally, pregnancy is not considered a disability under the A.D.A. However, you may be eligible for temporary accommodations. If you suspect you may be eligible, please submit your request through our Accommodate software. During registration, you will be able to make an appointment with the ADA Coordinator to discuss your options. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
I have testing accommodations. Where will I take my exams?
The Registrar's Office coordinates all final exams, including accommodated exams. Locations for final exams will be determined each semester and communicated by the Registrar's Office.
Students with testing accommodations who have in-class assessments (quizzes, tests, in-class writing assignments, mid-term exams, etc.) must notify the ADA Coordinator one week in advance for arrangements to be made to implement the student's testing accommodations, separate from the class. It is the student's responsibility to notify the ADA Coordinator of any and all in-class assessments for each class every semester.
Will I receive the same accommodations on the MPRE or State Bar Exam?
The process for receiving accommodations varies by the institution; other schools or testing agencies may have different requirements and criteria for eligibility.
You are encouraged to start reviewing the accommodations request process and requirements for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam and the Bar Exam for the state you intend to practice. Typically, the application processes require extensive documentation, so it is prudent to start collecting the needed documents well before your intended test date. A general recommendation is to start preparing during your 2L year of law school. If you are applying for the Florida Bar Exam and wish to request accommodations, please review Petitioning for ADA Accommodations for the Florida Bar Exam (PDF) for additional assistance.
What else should I consider when applying for MPRE or state Bar Exam accommodations?
Often students are so intensely focused on requesting testing accommodations that study-time needs are not considered. While there are no "study time accommodations" granted by the College of Law for the MPRE or Bar Exam, students are strongly encouraged to work with the offices of Academic Success and Bar Preparation Services to determine the best study schedule and strategies to suit their individual needs. For example, if you are requesting extra time on the exam, consider whether or not you need extra time to prepare for the examination.
I believe I have been discriminated against based on my disability. What should I do?
First, contact the ADA Coordinator to schedule a meeting concerning your complaint. The ADA Coordinator will informally investigate the complaint and work with affected parties to seek a resolution. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this process, you should refer to the College of Law Student Grievance Procedure for Discrimination Complaints, contacting the Office of the Dean within fifteen calendar days after the alleged discriminatory action.