Campus lunch in the Stetson Green

DeLand Hiring Process

Our People Operations/HR Team is driven to provide an efficient and people-focused experience for our colleagues in the hiring process.  We are excited to welcome new talent to our Hatter community.

Please note, that this process is specific to the DeLand Employment process. For questions regarding the employment process at the College of Law, please e-mail [email protected].

A job description is a useful, plain-language tool that explains the tasks, duties, functions and responsibilities of a position. This is important in clarifying roles, determining salary levels, identifying work location, conducting performance reviews and creating reasonable accommodations. Additionally, stating how the position relates to the mission and goals of Stetson is useful in recruiting employees for our diverse and inclusive workforce. Job descriptions are required in the Staffing Committee Process detailed in the next step. To simply update a job description with no staffing request needed, please e-mail [email protected].

All requests for new or replacement positions, job reclassifications, department reorganizations and other changes affecting position budgets must go through Stetson's Staffing Process. 

  1. Complete the Staffing Request Form
  2. Receive approval/sign-off from the appropriate vice president, provost, dean of law or athletic director.
  3. Submit the Staffing Request Form to Chris Chellberg, Associate Director of People Operations, at [email protected].
  4. Respond to any questions from the Staffing Committee.
  5. The outcome of the Staffing Committee Process will be communicated by Chris Chellberg, Associate Director of People Operations.

Stetson utilizes SilkRoad as our recruiting software. People Operations/HR grants access to this platform for hiring managers and recruiters which they access through their MyStetson page. 

  1. Upon approval from the Staffing Committee, the hiring manager/recruiter will receive a communication from Chris Chellberg, Associate Director for People Operations, regarding the position grade, classification and other pertinent information for posting. 
  2. Please complete the SilkRoad Posting Form. This form provides our employment team with the necessary information to post your position, along with qualifying and/or disqualifying questions to help identify the best candidates.
  3. Our employment team will post the position (within three business days) and the hiring manager and recruiter will receive an automated e-mail confirmation that the position is posted.
  4. People Operations/HR will then send a "Next Steps" e-mail providing the information in Step 4.


All positions are posted on our Stetson Careers website. Also, positions will be posted to the Inside Higher Education Careers webpage, in addition to 19 other diversity in higher education job boards. If you wish to recruit on other industry-specific platforms, please consult with our Employment Specialist, Casey McLallen, at [email protected]. We also encourage departments to have employees post to social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) and other networking distribution lists, as applicable. 

Navigating SilkRoad Platform: Use this guide to assist in navigating the SilkRoad recruitment platform.


  1. First-Round Interviews: As you review and select applicants for first-round interviews, we encourage you to use our SparkHire one-way video interview platform which can create efficiency in your search. SparkHire is a web-based video interview portal that allows you to complete first-round interviews without the need to coordinate schedules with the candidate or search committee. Candidates appreciate the flexibility of SparkHire because they can complete the interview on their own schedule. Hiring Managers will receive an e-mail from the People Operations team after the position is posted to select the interview questions they wish to ask. Hiring Managers will then be provided a link to send to their first-round candidates. Upon the candidate's completion of the interview, the Hiring Manager will be sent a direct link to the video which can be shared with the search committee. If you have questions about this, please reach out to [email protected].
  2. Potential Candidates Complete Full Application (E-Form): Once the Hiring Manager identifies the candidates moving forward, they must e-mail this list to Casey McLallen, at [email protected]. The full application includes additional important information such as employment history and references.
  3. Complete Interviews and Select Candidate: After reviewing the E-Form applications and completing the second and/or third-round interviews, the hiring manager will identify the Top Candidate(s) on SilkRoad. 
  4. Complete Reference Forms: Once you have identified the Top Candidate(s), perform at least two reference checks. (The candidate's references' contact information is available on their SilkRoad E-Form application.) 


Once the final candidate is chosen and the Reference Forms are completed, the Top Candidate is moved to "Reference Check Completed" in SilkRoad and Step 5, the Job Offer Stage begins.

This stage of the new hire process requires two-way communication with the People Operations/HR Team prior to any offer being extended.

Verbal Offer/Negotiation:

Prior to making a verbal offer, please email Chris Chellberg ([email protected]) with the candidate’s name, attached reference forms, and the offer you would like to make. Chris will assist in approving the candidate and salary offer amount based on classification, experience, internal equity and market data.

Written Offer Extended:

After the verbal offer is accepted and the Reference Forms completed, email Chris Chellberg, providing the name, email address, supervisor, salary/pay rate, expected hours per week, whether the employee will require an MVR (Motor Vehicle Report) check due to use use of university or personal vehicles for work, and anticipated start date. This information will be used to initiate the onboarding process which includes the creation of the official offer letter be the People Operations team. The offer letter, with the attached job description, is sent to the candidate for signature. 

After the final candidate has accepted the offer of employment, the People Operations/HR Team will initiate the clearance and onboarding process with the assistance of the hiring manager and other university colleagues. We encourage the supervisor and/or hiring manager to continue communication as the employee navigates the onboarding process.

HR Notification of Verbal Offer Accepted

The following items are completed concurrently upon HR notification of the approved verbal offer. The supervisor is included in e-mail outreach with the candidate. 

  • Offer Letter: An offer letter is sent to the candidate with the job description included. The candidate will sign and return the offer letter (with the job description included) to People Operations/HR via [email protected].  
  • MVR Check (if applicable): If the employee will be driving a university-owned, leased, or rented vehicle, or who will regularly drive their personal vehicle on behalf of the university, or transport students for university functions, they will need to complete an Authorization for Release of Driving Record
  • Background Check: People Operations/HR will initiate a background check for the identified candidate through the University background check provider, Accurate. An email will be sent to the candidate from Accurate with instructions to complete their portion of the process. The background check process typically takes 2-4 days but can take longer given outside factors (multiple past addresses, international residency, etc.). Background checks are reviewed by People Operations/HR on a case-by-case basis.
  • RedCarpet Onboarding: The People Operations/HR team will initiate RedCarpet Onboarding, which is a New Hire Dashboard where the new employee will complete their employment forms (I-9, W-4, direct deposit, etc.) The new employee should complete these forms prior to their first day of work as a Hatter.

Employee ID Number Created

The supervisor and hiring manager will be notified when the background check (and MVR) is complete. At this time, the employee's ID number is issued and sent to the hiring manager. The hiring manager should then complete the Personnel Action Form (PAF), receive approval from the appropriate dean, vice president, or athletic director and then send it to [email protected]. 

New Employee Checklist

The hiring department should quickly begin the checklist below to maximize execution time for impacted departments.

Information Technology Needs:

  • Submit New Employee Request for Services Form for IT needs (phone, e-mail, Banner access, shared drive access, etc.).
  • E-mail [email protected] for new or current workstations (computer, monitor, printer/copier connections, etc.) to be set up.
  • Add new employee to any appropriate Microsoft Teams groups.
  • Add employee to internally maintained applications (Raiser’s Edge, Slate, etc.).

Office Preparation:

Ensure any items or other unnecessary supplies/equipment have been removed from the previous incumbent.

Facilities Preparation:

Submit work orders (FMX) for custodial or maintenance needs to ensure the space is clean and fully functional for your new employee.  

Office Access: 

Determine what access needs the employee will need and submit appropriate requests.

Business Needs:

Provide the employee with the appropriate tools for them to succeed. Some helpful links are below. 

Internal Communications:

Make sure the employee has been added to the appropriate distribution lists and ongoing departmental and/or other team meetings.

Networking Organizations:

If applicable, add the employee to the appropriate list servers, distribution lists and professional organizations.

A member or member(s) of the team should escort the new employee throughout the day, so they do not get or feel lost. Remember, this is often an exhausting and overwhelming day for a new employee, so it is important to provide breaks and recognize they might not retain all information provided to them on day one. If planning a full first-day schedule, remember to include breaks and time for the employee to organize and digest the information.

  • Opportunity to settle into their workspace (and retrieve the I-9 ID documents they will need for HR). 
  • Stop by the People Operations/HR office to complete their Federal Verification of Employment Form (I-9). They will need to bring their original I-9 acceptable documents with them to the office. We will not be able to accept expired documents or unofficial copies of documents. When they arrive at Human Resources, they will also receive a welcome folder and their Employee ID (if the picture is submitted in RedCarpet Onboarding). Supervisors can make an appointment by emailing [email protected].
  • New Employees in need of an ID (and who have not previously submitted their picture) will stop by the Hatter1 Card office located in University Hall (644 N. Woodland Blvd.).
  • Introduction of work colleagues and tour of the building (including restrooms).
  • Meet with the supervisor to review the job description. 
  • Make sure their technology works at their workstation and submit any support tickets as necessary. 
  • Have employees log in to MyStetson and make sure necessary applications appear according to their role (ex. Employee Dashboard, Banner, Canvas, Dynamic Forms, etc.).
  • Ensure their access to any necessary Microsoft Teams and Channels and explain how to use the platform (if necessary).
  • Identify a colleague or peer to develop a connection and act as a support for the employee.
  • Provide the employee with an overview of how their training and orientation will proceed.
  • Ensure employee knows when they should go on lunch/break (as appropriate). Ideally, someone might join them for lunch, if possible, on the first day.

After the Hatter Welcome, it is time to get down to business and help the new team member acclimate to Stetson. This plan might include: 

  • Benefits meeting: If an employee is eligible, schedule a Benefits meeting for your employee with People Operations/HR within the first two weeks of employment, by contacting Haley Coates.
  • Submit a Stetson Announcement to share the great news of your new team member. Instructions and examples can be found here
  • Schedule introductions and/or meetings with key campus collaborators and constituents.
  • Make sure the employee is invited to all department meetings, committees, or events (as necessary).
  • Introduce employees to office culture and logistics (ex. on Fridays we wear green, any departmental recognitions/awards, the shredding company picks up weekly on Tuesdays, how the office might celebrate achievements, birthdays, holidays, Hatterversaries, etc.)
  • Introduce employees to Stetson applications/need-to-knows like SchoolDude, Timesheet/Leave Reporting, Green Pages, Stetson Announce, Event Request System, IT Support, WebGarage, Public Safety, etc.
  • Provide time for employee to complete Title IX training within the first 30 days. Training can be found on their MyStetson >UE Training Portal under Mosaic: Prevent Sexual Violence Together.
  • Schedule a 30-day check-in with their supervisor.
  • Schedule a 90-day review with their supervisor for two weeks prior to their 90th day. Schedule time for employee three weeks prior to 90th day for them to complete the Employee Feedback portion of the Performance Appraisal Form, which can be found on their MyStetson >Performance Appraisal Tile.

We are here to help!

Please contact the following team members directly with questions specific to:

  • SilkRoad, RedCarpet, Background Checks and Recruitment - Casey McLallen
  • Staffing Committee, Job Classifications and Offers - Chris Chellberg
  • New Employee Welcome, Performance Appraisals and Training - Nora Lewis

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you feel there is anything missing on this page, or you need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].