four Alumni Pictures of people standing together

Alumni Benefits

A wide variety of Career Success services and resources are available to Stetson University alumni. Alumni are welcome to participate in all Career Success workshops and events as noted on the University Calendar. Additional services include career advising appointments (in-person and virtual) and access to HatterJobs.

Through HatterJobs, as an alumnus, you can request an appointment, have your resume reviewed, and practice your interviewing skills. Be sure to check out a host of other resources including career links, channels and chats.

Access HatterJobs and click on the "Alumni and Others: Username." 

    1. Enter your username and password (this would be your Stetson email address and the single sign-on password you used when you were a student. 
    2. If you cannot remember your password, select "Forgot Password," and you will be prompted to enter your Stetson email address. You will then be emailed a password reset link. 

Connect with Current Hatters

Alumni are an invaluable resource in assisting our current students with their career success. If you are located in Central Florida and are interested in hosting students for a site visit or job shadowing experience at your organization, please contact us at [email protected] or 386-822-7315.

If you are interested in recruiting Stetson students for internships or full-time opportunities, please visit the Employer section of our website to learn about a number of ways to engage with our office and brand your organization on our campus.