FSEM Olympiad

The FSEM Olympiad is a semester-long program where students compete with other FSEM sections around use of academic supports. Our ultimate goal is to support students to use our resources early and develop long-lasting academic habits that are proactive rather than reactive.

Academic Success will track students' participation in various academic supports and the results are displayed below. Page 1 displays overall standing and page 2 allows students to input their 800-number and see their individual breakdown. 

Students gain points for their team in the following ways:

  • Attending Success Coaching, Tutoring or Writing Center appointments
  • Visiting a table or presentation hosted by Peer Success Coaches
  • Studying for a minimum of 30 minutes in the Hollis Family Student Success Center (HFSSC)
  • Direct Message us @StetsonAcademicSuccess a photo of you and your study group (please include names)