Serena Dowling
Hometown: Naples, FL
Majors: Political Science; History
Class Year: 2026
Why I Chose Stetson:
Choosing a college is stressful and full of possibilities and uncertainties. I was anxious to make the choice of where I would spend 4 years of my life working on my degree. When I was accepted into Stetson, my parents and I came to tour. As soon as I walked on campus, I felt at home. Suddenly, I was not scared of my next step. Since then, I have grown to love the Stetson community and the part I play in creating such a vibrant campus full of real, authentic connections.
Involvements on Campus:
FOCUS Orientation - Assistant Coordinator, Model Senate Planning Team, Stetson Outdoor Adventure Recreation (SOAR) - Council Member
What I Like to Do on Weekends:
After catching up on assignments, the weekends are a perfect time to go on adventures with friends. Whether it's lying in the sun at New Smyrna Beach, spending time in nature at one of the springs, going ice skating in Daytona, or trying a new local restaurant in downtown DeLand, there's something for any mood I'm in.
My Favorite Class at Stetson:
My favorite class has been Gender War and Violence in 20th Century Eastern Europe with Dr. Fowler. I was able to select my own topic for the research paper for that class, and I did mine about Soviet women's mobilization in the Air Force during World War II. I was well-supported throughout the class and ended up with an excellent 25-page paper and a new passion for the subject. I hope to expand on it for my senior research next year!
Advice to Prospective Students:
Ask difficult and scary questions. If you never ask, you never know how far you might go. Whether it's asking a professor about the assignment, asking someone if they want to get lunch with you, or asking a tutor for help, be confident and voice your questions. A no is better than never knowing what you're missing.
Favorite Place on Campus:
My favorite place on campus is the tables in Palm Court. I love sitting out there in the morning or between my classes to study while also getting some fresh air. And while I'm there, I always run into someone I know that are on their way to classes, which makes me feel connected to the community at Stetson!