Mackenzie Powers

Mackenzie Powers

Hometown: Milford, CT
Majors: Environmental Science; Biology
Class Year: 2025

Why I Chose Stetson:

I chose Stetson because I really felt like I mattered here and I knew that due to it being a small school I would have a lot of incredible opportunities and really feel connected to the school.

Involvements on Campus:

Omicron Delta Kappa, SOAR - Council member, Environmental Fellows, FOCUS, Environmental Club, Student Ambassadors

What I Like to Do on Weekends:

I like to go to the gym because it is less crowded. I go to any sports games happening with my friends. Going to the springs is also a personal favorite of mine just because I am the biggest manatee fan!

My Favorite Class at Stetson:

My favorite class at Stetson was Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation. I was able to testify abroad because of the class and I got to do a lot of hands-on experience with the labs which is very important to me. Plus, the material in the class was just really cool!

Advice to Prospective Students:

My advice to prospective students is to think about what you value from a college and what that defining characteristic is! For me, it was out-of-class opportunities. While you are looking at Stetson think about if we have what you are looking for and if we feel like home!

Favorite Place on Campus:

My favorite place on campus would be my office. I get a lot of homework and study time done here as well as my work for the Environmental Fellows. I also love the upstairs of the library because friends can do work together and get a gorgeous view of the outside!