Erin Conley

Erin Conley profile picture

Hometown: Wrentham, MA
Major: Business Management
Minor: Public Health
Class Year: 2026

Why I Chose Stetson:

I chose Stetson because of a few things. The first were my tour guides. They knew everything and everyone. They were explaining the pros of a small campus, which I didn’t hear about at any of my other schools. Then I shadowed. The professor sang happy birthday to a student and it really showed me how personal the school was. That professor then told me about Blue Springs and manatees have always been my favorite animals. I went and visited Blue Springs and saw manatees and I knew it was meant to be.

Involvements on Campus:

Hatter Productions Special Events, Student Ambassador, Stetson Equestrian Competitive Team 

What I Like to Do on Weekends:

I like to visit the springs because it’s a nice place to hike and explore the outdoors. I also like to hang out and watch movies with my friends.

My Favorite Class at Stetson:

My favorite class at Stetson is the Personal Finance class. This teaches all about how to budget and save. Also which purchases are good for those in your situation, I think it’s a class all majors should take because it’s super useful in the real world.

Advice to Prospective Students:

Get out of your comfort zone because you’ll find a new one. Go out and put yourself out there. Not only with friends but also with your professors and advisors. They will give you unforgettable opportunities. You’ll find your people!

Favorite Place on Campus:

My favorite place on campus is the collaboration room in the Carlton Union Building (CUB). It is my favorite place to study and get work done.