Determine which circuits do not have a sufficient number of physicians participating on their examining committees, and develop a recruitment plan for those circuits to use
Design a toolkit containing comprehensive information about decision-making options for distribution to the public
Provide law enforcement officers and first responders with one or more tools to assist them in identifying and reporting abuse, neglect, or exploitation
Develop and pilot a volunteer court visitor program
Develop a new component of the annual guardianship report that comprehensively addresses restoration of rights
Create model annual guardianship/guardian advocacy reporting forms for use in all Florida circuits
Design an evaluation guide for courts to use when approving family guardianship training courses to improve course consistency, quality, and content
Establish a process for courts to notify the Social Security Administration when a guardian of the property who is also a representative payee is removed
II. Coordination with Stetson College of Law and the National Judicial College to create four courses approved for CLEs and CJE
III. Acquisition of books titled Florida Guardianship Practice 10th Edition and dissemination to law libraries within various judicial circuits
IV. Develop tool(s) containing comprehensive information about decision-making options for distribution to the public
Disseminated 500 printed copies of Exploring My Decision-Making Options to agencies and organizations to share with the public
Posted electronically on Florida WINGS website for the use/reproduction by the public
Current Workgroups
Develop and pilot a volunteer court visitor program - Judge Jose Rodriguez and Melinda Coulter, chairpersons
Establish a process for courts to notify the Social Security Administration when a guardian of the property who is also a representative payee is removed - Robert Anderson and Rachel Siegel-McLaughlin, chairpersons
Design an evaluation guide for courts to use when approving family guardianship training courses to improve course consistency, quality, and content - Judge Michelle Morley, chairwoman