
The program is open to law students, lawyers, and business professionals interested in studying in the Netherlands. Law students and lawyers should have an active interest in international business law and/or public international law to make the most of this exciting academic experience.

All students must have successfully completed one academic year and be in good academic standing to be eligible for study abroad.  For all non-Stetson students, the program requires receipt of an official law school transcript and a letter of good standing be sent to the Office of International Programs. 

Enrollment will be limited to thirty (30) students, and it is estimated that thirty (30) students will enroll.

Foreign Law Students are Welcome to Participate

Students from foreign law schools are also eligible and invited to enroll in the program. Historically, only a few foreign law students have registered for the program. We, therefore, anticipate that only a small number of foreign law students estimated at no more than two individuals may participate in the program. It is anticipated that these students will all be from the host countries in which the program is located.

Applicants with Special Needs

Applicants with disabilities or other special needs should contact the International Programs Office at Stetson in advance to discuss arrangements. The Hague is a very old city that does not meet U.S. standards for accommodations. However, Stetson will make every effort to reasonably accommodate the special needs of applicants.

Students Participating in 2024

Twenty-five (25) students participated in The Hague program during the summer of 2024. Of the twenty-five total students who participated, nine (9) students were from Stetson and sixteen (16) students were from other law schools.