MyStetson FAQ
Log in to myStetson (formerly Banner Web) or see below for answers to frequently asked questions.
Q. What is my User ID and PIN?
A. Your User ID is a generated number created specifically for you through Stetson University. If you do not know this ID number, you can use your Social Security number the first time you log in. After you have successfully logged into myStetson, please go to the Personal Information menu and look at the "View Current Stetson ID" to see your generated number. This number should be used to log in to myStetson each time in the future to protect your SSN. Your PIN number is your date of birth in this format: mmddyy. (For example, if you were born on January 31, 1978, you would enter 013178.) This pin number should be changed the first time you log in and can be changed as often as you wish after your initial login.
Q. What should I do if I forget my PIN?
A. Contact the registrar's office at [email protected].
Q. What should I do if I cannot log in?
A. Contact the registrar's office.
Q. What if I don't know my Stetson ID and I don't have a Social Security Number?
A. Contact the registrar's office to get your Stetson University ID number.
Q. Do I have to respond to the prompt asking for a PIN hint?
A. You must enter a security question and your response into the proper fields in order to proceed with the login process. These fields will be used later to authenticate the Web user whenever you access the "Forgot PIN' function. You may change this question and respond at any time through the Personal Information Menu.
Q. Why can't I view my grades?
A. There are two possibilities: (1) There may be a hold on your account. It will give you a prompt and allow you to see the type of hold; or (2) None of your grades have been posted yet for the current semester.
Q. Should I contact the registrar's office to see which grades have been posted?
A. No, grades will automatically be posted as we process and finalize them.
Q. May I change my phone number, address, or name online?
A. Yes, but not directly through myStetson. Please visit the registrar's page and make your changes through the Change of Address form found in the "Registrar Forms" section.
Q. Will I be able to add and drop courses, and also add my name to a waitlist, online?
A. Yes.
Q. How soon after all the grades are posted will we see a new rank?
A. Approximately one week.
Q. How long after I attend a Student Leadership program will it take for my credits to appear on Banner Web?
A. No longer than one week in most cases.
Q. What if I do not see my leadership credits posted after one week?
A. Contact the Office of Student Life.
Q. How long will it take for my pro bono hours to appear once my form is received in the registrar's office?
A. No longer than 14 business days in most cases.
Q. What if the information posted in Banner Web for my pro bono hours, student leadership credits, or student activities is wrong?
A. Contact the Office of Student Life for further direction.