Career and Professional Development Graduation Information

Every year, Stetson Law, on behalf of its graduates, is required to provide employment data to the ABA and National Association for Law Placement for our most recent graduating cohort. We report this information without revealing or reporting the names of our graduates who provide it to us.

The survey forms below will be used for data collection for the reporting requirements identified above. We ask that you complete each survey (your answers to each may be the same, but seek information consistent with the reporting requirements for the law school).

ABA / NALP Employment Survey

At Graduation Employment Survey

The Office of Career and Professional Development is here for you! If you need any assistance with these forms, have questions about jobs available now and in the future, or want to schedule an appointment with us, please contact our office at 727-562-7815 and [email protected]

For full details on Stetson’s Employment Data reporting requirements, please see here. Stetson consolidates as much of the data collection as possible, for efficiency and to limit the time you are asked to spend on providing us with this information. However, our accrediting body--the ABA-- requires you, and us to maintain up-to-date information through the 10 months following graduation: you may see these surveys again, or be contacted by Career Development to secure required information.