Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy
Founded in 2004, the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy provides a unique resource for both attorneys and non-attorneys alike in advancing a better understanding of the ever-changing realm of higher education. As part of its goal in fostering better understanding of federal and state laws and regulations, the Center routinely puts on webinars targeted towards hot button issues. Past webinars have included "Pay to Play: Student-Athletes as Employees", and "Clearing the Haze: Marijuana on Campus". The keystone event for the Center is the annual National Conference on Law & Higher Education held every spring in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
The Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy's mission is to advance the field of higher education law and policy by
- conducting quality research and producing outstanding scholarship in the area of higher education law and policy;
- presenting interdisciplinary conferences and special programs in areas affecting higher education law and policy;
- forging productive relationships with other organizations devoted to the advancement of law and higher education both within the United States and throughout the world.