Lost and Found
Looking for Your Lost Item?
Call Public Safety at (386) 822-7300
If You Find Property on Campus
Bring it to Public Safety or call the Public Safety office to arrange for pick-up. Below is a list of the found property we typically find, the retention period they can be claimed and their final disposition if they are not claimed in time.
- Retention Period: One week
- Final Disposition: Donated
- Retention Period: Until the next business day
- Final Disposition: Donated
- Retention Period: One week
- Final Disposition: Disposed
- Retention Period: 30 days
- Final Disposition: Disposed
- Retention Period: Until the next business day
- Final Disposition: Returned to Lock Shop
- Retention Period: Until the next business day
- Final Disposition: Returned to Meal Card Office
- Retention Period: 30 days
- Final Disposition: Donated
- Retention Period: 30 days
- Final Disposition: Donated
- Retention Period: Until the next business day
- Final Disposition: Turned over to DPD
- Retention Period: Until the next business day
- Final Disposition: Turned over to Health Services
- Retention Period: 30 days
- Final Disposition: Donated to Project Right to Sight - CUB
- Retention Period: 30 days
- Final Disposition: Donated
- Retention Period: 30 days
- Final Disposition: Turned over to Stetson Bikes
Some Hints for Locating Lost Property
Check with offices in the area you believe you last saw your property.
- Lost Stetson ID Card? Check with the One-Stop Office or call Public Safety after hours. Be sure to have your card deactivated until it is found!
If You Believe Your Property is Stolen
Contact Public Safety to file a report.