Jason Palmer

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Law

B.A., University of Virginia
J.D., George Washington University Law School

Phone: 727-562-7326
Email: [email protected]
Office: CR-201 (Gulfport)

Research & Writing I, Research & Writing II, Advanced Legal Writing - Judicial Opinions, Civil Procedure, Complex Litigation, International Litigation & Arbitration, Law & Sexuality


Jason Palmer


Professor Jason Palmer teaches legal research and writing, transactional document drafting, judicial opinion writing, law and sexuality, international litigation and arbitration, and complex litigation. Professor Palmer is the co-author, along with Professor Arturo Carrillo, of the article Transnational Mass Claims Processes in International Law and Practice, published in 28 Berkeley J. Int'l L. 343 (2010). He is also the author of the book chapter "Remedying Mistakes in Mass Claims without Compounding Errors - Lessons from the Palestinian Late Claims Program" in Designing Compensation After Upheaval: Insights From the Experience of the United Nations Compensation Commission (Oxford University Press 2015). He has published self-efficacy in Millennial students with the Cleveland State Law Review and on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Seton Hall Law Review. His article, Emotional Intelligence, and Homophobia will be published Fall of 2019 by Wake Forest Law Review, and his article A Separation of Powers Analysis of Forum Non-Conveniens' Adequate Available Forum will be published Summer of 2020 by St. John's Law Review. He is currently working on a book on domestic and international mass claims processes to be published by Edward Elgar Publishing and a textbook on International Litigation and Arbitration to be published by Carolina Academic Press.

Professor Palmer is currently serving as the 2019-2021 Chair of the Association of American Law Schools' Professional Development (Arc of Career) Committee. He is also a 2016-2020 Legal Writing Institute board member and the 2018-2020 Treasurer for the Legal Writing Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving legal communication by supporting the development of teaching and scholarly resources and establishing forums to discuss the study, teaching, and practice of professional legal writing. He is the 2018-2020 Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees for Great Explorations Children's Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. He was the 2014-2015 Chair of the Section on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues for the Association of American Law Schools and was the Co-Chair of the Legal Writing Institute 17th Biennial Conference held in July 2016. Professor Palmer was the 2014-2016 Faculty Liaison for the Stetson University College of Law Board of Overseers.

Featured Publications

A Separation of Powers Analysis of Forum Non Conveniens’ Adequate Available Forum

Foreign policy constitutional principles impact the forum's non conveniens analyses regarding whether a foreign judiciary can provide an adequate available forum. By examining Supreme Court separation of powers cases, this article shows that the Executive is uniquely positioned to opine on this issue.

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Emotional Intelligence and Homophobia

Rhetorical appeals to religious freedom and speech and national security are being used to camouflage sentiments otherwise rooted in homophobia, transphobia, and other biases. To reinforce equality dignity and social good, this article argues for the use of positive emotional intelligence.

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Since 2015, Professor Palmer has been the Co-General Editor of the American Bar Association Section of International Law Year in Review. He also serves as an editor for the Legal Writing Institute's Monograph Series and has served as an assistant editor of the Legal Writing Institute's Journal of Legal Writing. He is an associate editor for The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing and a corresponding editor for International Legal Materials, which is published quarterly by the American Society of International Law. Recently, Professor Palmer was appointed the Faculty Advisor to Stetson Law's Journal of Comparative and International Aging Law and Policy.

Prior to joining Stetson, he worked for the Department of State as a team leader representing the United States in international arbitration cases before the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal. He also spent four years in Switzerland working as a claims judge for the Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts, adjudicating claims for dormant Swiss bank accounts of victims of Nazi persecution; and for the United Nations Compensation Commission, coordinating review of Palestinian claims against Iraq as a result of its invasion and occupation of Kuwait. Before working in Switzerland and at the Department of State, Professor Palmer spent several years in private practice in Washington, D.C., focusing on commercial litigation and international arbitration. He has also taught courses in U.S. legal writing to Swiss lawyers at the Europa Institute at the University of Zurich and taught legal research and writing at the George Washington University Law School.

Curriculum Vitae