Prior to graduation, students must take at least one course in each of the following areas:

Code requirement

Code Course

Skills/Experiential requirement

Skills/Experiential Course

Administrative requirement

Administrative Course

Writing requirement

Writing Course

Education Law

Education law is an enormous field with a wide array of job opportunities. Attorneys practicing education law may focus on public K-12 education, higher education, special education and disability law as it relates to education, school discipline, and the labor and employment issues that arise among teachers and professors in an academic setting.

Education lawyers often work on compliance issues, or assisting school districts, public, and private universities with complex state and federal regulatory requirements. Private and charter schools also need regular legal counsel.

Attorneys practicing education law may be sole practitioners (particularly those specializing in special education and disability) or work in law firms. Education attorneys also work for school boards, state and federal agencies, and for colleges and universities.

Stetson’s Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy runs a number of programs that may interest students interested in education law.


Core/Foundational Courses

Recommended Courses

Experiential Courses and Seminars


Full-Time Faculty Focusing on this Pathway



Professional Organizations

Public Interest Opportunities

Student Organizations

  • Stetson Education Law Association